disagreement - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of disagreement in Hindi
- बहस
- असहमति
- मतभेद
- असम्मति
- असंगति
- बहस
- अंतर
- भिन्नता
- झंझट
- भेद
- विप्रतिपत्ति
- वाद-विवाद
disagreement Definition
- lack of consensus or approval.
disagreement Example
- Disagreement between the results of the two assessments ( दो मूल्यांकनों के परिणामों के बीच असहमति )
- We were in strong disagreement over continuing. ( जारी रखने को लेकर हम घोर असहमति में थे। )
- Brown, who described experiments which were in disagreement with Pasteur's dictum. ( ब्राउन, जिन्होंने उन प्रयोगों का वर्णन किया जो पाश्चर की उक्ति से असहमत थे। )
- Our disagreement is mainly personal. ( हमारी असहमति मुख्यतः व्यक्तिगत है। )
- It is true that there is much disagreement over how to achieve these ideals, but the fact remains we want a just society for all. ( यह सच है कि इन आदर्शों को कैसे प्राप्त किया जाए, इस पर बहुत असहमति है, लेकिन तथ्य यह है कि हम सभी के लिए न्यायपूर्ण समाज चाहते हैं। )
More Sentence
- Even though they had a disagreement over spending, the husband and wife refused to go to be upset.
- The newlyweds had a disagreement over where to buy a house and ended up renting for a year.
- There was much disagreement regarding where the fast food chain should open their next franchise.
- After years of disagreement, the woman and her mother-in-law were finally able to settle their differences.
- There was, however, a fundamental disagreement in the tactical ideas of the senior and those of the junior officers.
- There was some disagreement about the details
- They registered their disagreement and therefore did not join the consensus.
- But he said any disagreement he and Davis had is over.
- But the real basis for the disagreement is a practical one.
- The key disagreement was over how to pay for universal coverage.
- And standards of neatness can become a big area of disagreement.
- The less important the issue, the more likely the disagreement.
- A lot of disagreements occur because there isn't communication.
- We had disagreements on issues, but they were very businesslike,
- But he didn't voice agreement or disagreement ."
- The meeting ended in disagreement