canned - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of canned in Hindi
- डिब्बा बंद
- डब्बों में बंद किया हुआ
canned Definition
- (of food or drink) preserved or supplied in a sealed can. ( (खाने या पीने का) संरक्षित या एक सील कर सकते हैं में आपूर्ति की। )
- (of music, laughter, or applause) prerecorded and therefore considered to be lacking in freshness and spontaneity. ( (संगीत, हँसी, या तालियाँ) पूर्वगामी और इसलिए ताजगी और सहजता में कमी माना जाता है। )
canned Example
- The three tracks recorded in the '30s do have that canned sound of recordings from the time, but without much of the hiss and pops of the old records. ( 30 के दशक में रिकॉर्ड किए गए तीन ट्रैक्स में उस समय से रिकॉर्डिंग की ध्वनि नहीं थी, लेकिन पुराने रिकॉर्ड्स के बहुत सारे और पॉप के बिना। )
- canned fruit ( डिब्बा बंद फल )
- To be honest, I preferred the live music, even though it made conversation near-impossible, to the canned music which I found too loud and too intrusive. ( ईमानदार होने के लिए, मैंने लाइव संगीत को प्राथमिकता दी, भले ही इसने वार्तालाप को निकट-असंभव बना दिया, डिब्बाबंद संगीत के लिए, जिसे मैंने बहुत ज़ोर से और बहुत ही घुसपैठ पाया। )
- You are being encouraged to go out and buy loads of batteries, water, canned foods, matches, candles, plyboard, tape etc. ( आपको बैटरी, पानी, डिब्बा बंद खाद्य पदार्थ, माचिस, मोमबत्तियाँ, प्लाईबोर्ड, टेप आदि खरीदने और बाहर जाने के लिए प्रोत्साहित किया जा रहा है। )
- When selecting fruit, canned or frozen versions are reliable substitutes for out-of-season fresh varieties. ( फलों का चयन करते समय, डिब्बाबंद या जमे हुए संस्करण बाहर की ताजा किस्मों के लिए विश्वसनीय विकल्प होते हैं। )
- Do not eat or drink anything sold by street vendors, (except sealed bottled or canned drinks). ( स्ट्रीट वेंडर द्वारा बेचे गए कुछ भी न खाएं और न ही पीएं (सील बंद बोतलबंद या डिब्बाबंद पेय को छोड़कर)। )
- However, it is important that people should be aware that the proposed bill only applies to live entertainment and not to canned music, which could easily be used more often. ( हालांकि, यह महत्वपूर्ण है कि लोगों को इस बात की जानकारी होनी चाहिए कि प्रस्तावित विधेयक केवल लाइव मनोरंजन पर लागू होता है न कि डिब्बाबंद संगीत पर, जो आसानी से अधिक बार हो सकता है। )
More Sentence
- Similarly, programming and sampling blur the dichotomy between live and canned sound.
- All the while, you'll hear canned laughter in the background.
- What I am, however, is someone who understands the marginal utility of a good laugh, canned or not.
- It's hard to believe there's still a fan base for a guy who stutters childish rhymes over canned reggae beats.
- While fresh vegetables are preferable, second best is to have a supply of canned fruits and vegetables and juices, as well as a cache of dried fruits.
- If the audience isn't applauding, canned applause should be at the ready.
- When it comes to something to drink, make sure that bottled and canned drinks have intact seals or caps when you get them.
- Curb Your Enthusiasm proves that you don't need obvious jokes and canned laughter to make good comedy.
- Most shopping carts were filled with dried foods, such as instant noodles, canned food, bread and cookies, as well as with vegetables and fruits, Lee said.
- When the music is canned , the performers must perform to its rhythms and their timing is constricted.
- On the technical side the production is adequate, but I could have wished for a less chintzy starlit sky effect and canned sound that didn't sound so canned .
- Rinse canned foods, such as tuna and vegetables, before using to wash away some excess sodium.
- We turn people away from the food pantry because we've run out of canned stew, canned beans, canned tuna, cereal and powered milk.
- Upon her arrival home she was greeted by the sound of canned laughter floating out of the den.
- They turn it into a third-rate sitcom without the safety net of the canned laughter.
- As with most games in this niche genre, AE features wailing guitars, canned jazz, and an array of real-world aircraft.
- As soon as the kitten seems to desire a more substantial food, mix a little canned food into the cereal blend.
- This is why it is added to foods such as bacon, smoked fish, canned vegetables, margarine, bread and savoury snacks.
- We never used canned laughter or ‘sweetened’ the audience reaction in any way - ever.
- The same trustworthy sources complained that the canned music was too darn loud, but perhaps that's a problem which will have been ironed out by now.
- Avoid using convenience foods, such as canned soups, microwave dinners, and boxed mixes.
- However, there's always been a slight risk attached to eating any preserved food: canned , bottled or refrigerated.
- Walk through your local supermarket, and you'll find it in breakfast cereals, canned drinks, processed foods of every sort.