exhaustive - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of exhaustive in Hindi
- संपूर्ण
- विस्तृत
- व्यापक
- परिपूर्ण
- सर्वागीण
- सर्वग्राही
exhaustive Definition
- examining, including, or considering all elements or aspects; fully comprehensive.
exhaustive Example
- she has undergone exhaustive tests since becoming ill ( बीमार होने के बाद से उसने व्यापक परीक्षण किए हैं )
- The reader is referred to that paper for an exhaustive history and discussion of the intrument. ( पाठक को उस पेपर को एक संपूर्ण इतिहास और उपकरण की चर्चा के लिए संदर्भित किया जाता है। )
- The arm-muscles have been studied in an absolutely exhaustive manner by Fiirbringer, who in his monumental work has tabulated and then scrutinized the chief characters of fourteen selected muscles. ( फ़िरब्रिंगर द्वारा बांह-मांसपेशियों का पूरी तरह से अध्ययन किया गया है, जिन्होंने अपने स्मारकीय कार्य में चौदह चयनित मांसपेशियों के मुख्य पात्रों की सारणीबद्ध और छानबीन की है। )
- If true, it need not be exhaustive. ( यदि सत्य है, तो यह संपूर्ण नहीं होना चाहिए। )
More Sentence
- In the present article it is impossible to give an exhaustive catalogue of the phenomena and modes of communication of modern spiritualism.'
- During the exhaustive discussion he had with Helga, the colonel.
- It is by no means exhaustive, as there are literally hundreds of.
- When one's knowledge is exhaustive, one comes to other conclusions.
- His team prepared an exhaustive list of leaders to appear on television.
- Careful and exhaustive drawings accompanied the description of the monument.
- With one exhaustive and final push, Elizabeth gave birth to a tiny baby girl.
- Please accept that they are meant to be representative rather than exhaustive.
- Westcott’s exhaustive article on the Latin versions, Smith's Dictionary, vol.
- This list is by no means exhaustive as myriad other factors affect the cost of.
- On the principle of contradiction this division is both exhaustive and exclusive; there can be no overlapping, and no members of the original genus or the lower groups are omitted.
- As regards doctrine, the work is exhaustive; but it is diffuse, obscure, and occasionally selfcontradictory, as might be expected in a work which consists of a number of unconnected paragraphs of various authorship and date.
- The history of the whole controversy, which has been several times renewed, was dealt with in Christopher Wordsworth's tracts in a most exhaustive way.
- The Louisiana code of 1808 was not, however, exhaustive; and the courts continued to go back to the old Spanish sources whenever the digest was inconclusive.
- Privileges It is only necessary to mention these here, but each fthe lord of the privileges requires an exhaustive examination o, as to its origin.