wear and tear - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of wear and tear in Hindi

  • टूट - फूट


  • छीज
  • घिस-पिस
  • टूट-फूट

wear and tear Definition


  •  the loss, injury, or stress to which something is subjected by or in the course of use 

wear and tear Example

  • Fifty years later, it is both important and interesting to determine whether the wear and tear cause significant color changes. ( पचास साल बाद, यह निर्धारित करना महत्वपूर्ण और दिलचस्प दोनों है कि क्या पहनने और आंसू महत्वपूर्ण रंग परिवर्तन का कारण बनते हैं।)
  • The use of these accidental sounds relies partly upon our understanding them as coming out of the past and as resulting from wear and tear. ( इन आकस्मिक ध्वनियों का उपयोग आंशिक रूप से हमारी समझ पर निर्भर करता है कि वे अतीत से बाहर आ रही हैं और टूट-फूट के परिणामस्वरूप हैं। )
  • These modifications are, however, not stable against physical wear and tear, and the antifouling effect may therefore have a limited lifespan. ( हालांकि, ये संशोधन शारीरिक टूट-फूट के खिलाफ स्थिर नहीं हैं, और इसलिए गन्दगी रोधी प्रभाव का जीवनकाल सीमित हो सकता है। )

More Sentence

  • For all three men, the wear and tear of hard physical work had begun at an early age.
  • Some items suffered from more than one specific defect, while others suffered from none, showing merely general wear and tear.
  • The rig will also need a thorough check for signs of wear and tear.
  • The electricity teaches them to keep away from the structure, so that there is virtually no wear and tear.
  • It must also be robust enough to withstand the wear and tear of the postal system and the editor's desk.
  • The foam is lightweight but loses much of its shock absorbing value after about 300 miles of wear and tear.
  • The pipes or cables must require repair or replacement due to accidental damage not due to wear and tear.
  • Since this test was printed more than 50 years ago, there is a question of whether the wear and tear cause significant color changes.
  • The results supported the wear and tear model since greater care-related strain predicted greater strain during bereavement.
  • Both in transforming the metals (gold- and silver-wire drawing) and through their use (wear and tear), losses occurred.