waterfall - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of waterfall in Hindi


  • झरना
  • जल-प्रपात
  • प्रपात

waterfall Definition


  • a cascade of water falling from a height, formed when a river or stream flows over a precipice or steep incline.


  • relating to or denoting a method of project management that is characterized by sequential stages and a fixed plan of work.

waterfall Example

  • each phase of a waterfall project must be complete prior to moving to the next phase ( जलप्रपात परियोजना का प्रत्येक चरण अगले चरण में जाने से पहले पूरा होना चाहिए )
  • The last, the highest waterfall in the state, has a vertical fall of 215 ft. ( अंतिम, राज्य का सबसे ऊंचा जलप्रपात, 215 फीट की ऊंचाई पर गिरता है। )
  • The town has secured the right of using a waterfall of 113 to 118 ft. ( शहर ने 113 से 118 फीट के झरने का उपयोग करने का अधिकार सुरक्षित कर लिया है। )
  • Here there is a waterfall of 13 ft. ( यहां 13 फीट का झरना है। )

More Sentence

  • Along the bottom of the ravine runs the river Wagura, a mountain stream, which forces its way into the valley over a bluff on the east, and forms in its descent a beautiful waterfall, or rather series of waterfalls, 200 ft.
  • The whisper from a waterfall I once.
  • We met almost daily by the waterfall.
  • All the famous lake waterfalls bearing names belong either to Cumberland or Westmoreland.
  • Water was pouring in miniature waterfalls from the ground floors of many houses which possessed a higher background.
  • To observers looking from a height, it was a chain of waterfalls thrown across the whole western face of the country.
  • The two cascades are the largest artificial waterfalls in the world, discharging each minute seven thousand gallons.
  • Lets take this scenario to a waterfall.
  • They stopped in front of the waterfall.
  • Rain was pelting down like a waterfall.
  • Washed ashore, gazing up at a waterfall of.
  • The mist from the waterfall soaking his back.
  • The sound of her sister.s voice brought a waterfall of relief.
  • Kiera looked around, speechless at the soaring ceilings, the atrium with a waterfall in the foyer, and pristine white walls covered with the multi-colored roping.
  • Joseph, smiling for the first time in Dean's memory, said he and Ginger planned to walk about town and perhaps hike up to the nearby Box Canyon waterfall.
  • It receives the Salanfe (left), which forms the celebrated waterfall of Pissevache, before reaching the ancient town and abbey of St Maurice (92m.).
  • Near is Ceunantmawr waterfall.
  • The substance of this Norse version is as follows: The three Anses - Odin, Loki and Hornir - saw an otter devouring a salmon beside a waterfall.