fetch - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of fetch in Hindi

  • लाना
  • निकालना
  • जाकर लाना
  • मूल्य पर बेचना
  • वसूल करना
  • घूमना
  • आनयन


  • चालाकी
  • छल
  • कपट
  • चाल
  • जोड़-तोड़

fetch Definition


  • go for and then bring back (someone or something) for someone.
  • achieve (a particular price) when sold.
  • inflict (a blow or slap) on (someone).
  • cause great interest or delight in (someone).


  • the distance traveled by wind or waves across open water.
  • a contrivance, dodge, or trick.
  • the apparition or double of a living person, formerly believed to be a warning of that person's impending death.

fetch Example

  • he always used to slam the gate and try and fetch her shins a wallop. ( वह हमेशा गेट पटक देता था और उसके पिंडली को दीवार से ढँकने की कोशिश करता था। )
  • Prometheus resembles the Polynesian Maui, who went down to fetch fire from the volcano of Mahuika, the fire-god. ( प्रोमेथियस पॉलिनेशियन माउ जैसा दिखता है, जो अग्नि-देवता महुआका के ज्वालामुखी से आग लाने के लिए नीचे गया था। )
  • In future, too, it will be possible to fetch a completed passport at an honorary consulate. ( भविष्य में, एक मानद वाणिज्य दूतावास में एक पूर्ण पासपोर्ट प्राप्त करना भी संभव होगा। )
  • First, she invents a key, encrypts the known body with it, and checks whether the result matches the encrypted authenticator fetched from the network.  ( सबसे पहले, वह एक कुंजी का आविष्कार करती है, इसके साथ ज्ञात निकाय को एन्क्रिप्ट करती है, और जांचती है कि परिणाम नेटवर्क से प्राप्त एन्क्रिप्टेड प्रमाणक से मेल खाता है या नहीं। )
  • He trained his dog to fetch the newspaper.  ( उसने अपने कुत्ते को अखबार लाने के लिए प्रशिक्षित किया। )
  • After escaping the shooting unharmed, the witness ran to fetch help for those who were injured.  ( गोली लगने से कोई नुकसान नहीं होने के बाद, गवाह घायलों की मदद के लिए दौड़ा। )
  • He comes to fetch his wife and daughter. ( वह अपनी पत्नी और बेटी को लेने आता है। )
  • he ran to fetch help. ( वह मदद के लिए दौड़ा। )

More Sentence

  • The painting would fetch millions of dollars if it was sold on the open market .
  • Please fetch me a chair from the next room.
  • handwoven blankets and rugs that can fetch as much as $45,000.
  • Why don't you fetch your new boyfriend over one evening?We'd like to meet him.
  • Similarly, even though there is wood around, potters prefer to buy it from merchants coming into town, rather than fetching it themselves and losing one day's work.
  • If you don't work hard, you'll fetch up nowhere.
  • The high prices that wine fetched throughout the second half of the eighteenth century and at the beginning of the nineteenth accounted for the speed of this expansion.
  • Peter has fainted;this bucket of water should fetch him round.
  • The painting is expected to fetch between three and four hundred thousand pounds.
  • The painting would fetch millions of dollars if it was sold on the open market .
  • Lord Beaverbrook once suggested, Buy old masters. They fetch a better price than old mistresses.
  • I know someone has to fetch some more logs, but why pick on me?
  • I wish you would go and fetch my satchel, two lanterns, and a can of kerosene oil that is under the seat.
  • Dr. Paul MacCready once said, Your grandchildren will likely find it incredible - or even sinful - that you burned up a gallon of gasoline to fetch a pack of cigarettes!
  • After his master threw the stick into the water, the dog ran to fetch the log.  
  • Perhaps he’s gone to fetch my luggage.
  • These shots were not sufficient to fetch the bear down.
  • He was the "odd man" of the Fourth Party, apparently content to fetch and carry for his colleagues, and was believed to have no definite ambitions of his own.
  • This will fetch down the prices of daily necessities.
  • Why don't you fetch your new girlfriend over? We'd like to meet her.
  • When Death came to fetch him, Sisyphus put him into fetters, so that no one died till Ares came and freed Death, and delivered Sisyphus into his custody.
  • We know that at present houses which are 20 or 30 years old are fetching three or four times as much as their pre-war value.
  • I hate having to fetch out the sewing machine every time I want to do some sewing.
  • The teacher helped to fetch out the meaning of the poem.
  • This glass has been used - please fetch me a clean one.
  • Love To Know guest colunist Wendy Nan Rees shares some tips that worked for her when teaching her dogs to play "Fetch".
  • At this pit other men are fetched in, to be employed, while these men and their wives look on.
  • This table should fetch quite a bit at auction.
  • I believe that in a great many places the fetching and carrying of water take away a large slice of the working day.
  • The house fetched more than we expected.
  • Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of waterI'm just going to the corner store to fetch a newspaper.
  • The company will not be responsible for making up the difference between what the houses would have fetched and their present value.
  • The humphead wrasse, that can fetch up to $ 130 per kilo in the live reef fish trade, has also benefited.