wake up - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of wake up in Hindi
- उठो
- जगाना
- जागना
- जागृत होना
- जागृत करना
wake up Definition
- an instance of a person waking up or being woken up.
wake up Example
- She likes to wake up with a cup of coffee. (It makes her feel more awake.) ( वह एक कप कॉफी के साथ जागना पसंद करती है। (यह उसे और अधिक जागृत महसूस कराता है।) )
- She wanted to wake up with his scent ingrained in her skin. ( वह अपनी त्वचा में उसकी गंध के साथ जागना चाहती थी। )
- I'm programmed to wake up at seven. ( मुझे सात बजे उठने के लिए प्रोग्राम किया गया है। )
- Wake up, Daniel! It's your turn. ( जागो, डैनियल! यह आपकी बारी है। )
- There he checked into a small motel, paying cash in advance for his room and putting in a wake-up call. ( वहां उन्होंने एक छोटे से मोटल में चेक इन किया, अपने कमरे के लिए अग्रिम नकद भुगतान किया और एक वेक-अप कॉल किया। )
- Wake up at the back there! ( उठो! जाने का समय हो गया है। )
- Wake up! It’s time to get going. ( उठो! जाने का समय हो गया है। )
- Wake up and dress, now! ( उठो और कपड़े पहनो, अब! )
More Sentence
- He wished Sofia would wake up and intrude.
- This triggers a gentle and peaceful wake up response running in tune to your natural biorhythm.
- Additionally, some people find memory foam too firm and wake up in more pain than usual.
- Every morning I wake up with a throbbing headache.
- Do you wake up feeling tired?
- The French and Dutch referendums were a wake-up call.
- My clock stopped and I didn't wake up in time.
- Go and wake up that idle brother of yours.
- Or maybe, just maybe, tomorrow morning she would finally wake up.
- It's the first thing I look at when I wake up, the last thing at night.
- I wish you would wake up.
- I want to wake up tomorrow feeling content, not guilty.
- Wake up, he thought. Wake up, my love.
- I picked it up a few seconds later and told Isaiah no calls before nine, at which time I wanted a wake-up call.
- I wish she'd wake up ! She's so naive!