dead heat - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of dead heat in Hindi

  • जानलेवा गर्मी
  • डेड हीट
  • एक प्रकार का मुक़ाबला

dead heat Definition


  • a situation in or result of a race in which two or more competitors are exactly even.


  • run or finish a race exactly even.

dead heat Example

  • competition is always fierce, with a dead heat in one of the early races ( प्रतियोगिता हमेशा भयंकर होती है, शुरुआती दौड़ में से एक में एक मृत गर्मी के साथ )
  • Two recent polls concluded that the race is a statistical dead heat. ( दो हालिया सर्वेक्षणों ने निष्कर्ष निकाला कि दौड़ एक सांख्यिकीय मृत गर्मी है। )
  • Poll after poll has shown the race to be a dead heat. ( पोल दर पोल ने दौड़ को एक मृत गर्मी के रूप में दिखाया है। )
  • Recent polls have shown Boxer and Fong in a virtual dead heat. ( हाल के चुनावों ने बॉक्सर और फोंग को एक आभासी मृत गर्मी में दिखाया है। )

More Sentence

  • And the two are in a dead heat among those two groups.
  • A poll released Monday showed Landrieu and Terrell in a dead heat.
  • The two contenders are, overall, in a statistical dead heat.
  • AmbivalentI am ambivalent towards Joel Rosenberg's new novel Dead Heat.
  • By the end, pollsters called the race a dead heat.
  • The election a dead heat. Nobody could predict the outcome.
  • Gore and Bradley are in a statistical dead heat here.
  • That put the two leaders in a statistical dead heat.
  • Recent public opinion polls have showed a near dead heat.
  • But two surveys showed the four top candidates in a dead heat.
  • President Bush and Sen . John Kerry are in a dead heat.
  • He was in a statistical dead heat when paired against President Clinton.
  • Opinion polls showed them in a dead heat heading into the election.
  • Chris ( McCarron ) and I thought it was a dead heat.
  • It's difficult to see dead heat in a sentence .
  • The two leading contenders are in a dead heat in New York.
  • The poll found Kennedy and Harshbarger locked in a statistical dead heat.
  • there was a dead heat for second place