vagabond - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of vagabond in Hindi
- आवारा
- पर्यटक
- घुमक्कड़
vagabond Definition
- a person who wanders from place to place without a home or job.
- having no settled home.
- wander about as or like a vagabond.
vagabond Example
- They too led a vagabond existence, renouncing home, families and possessions. ( उन्होंने भी घर, परिवार और संपत्ति का त्याग करते हुए एक आवारा अस्तित्व का नेतृत्व किया। )
- If I were not naturally a lazy, idle, good-for-nothing vagabond, I could make it pay me $ 20,000 a year. ( अगर मैं स्वाभाविक रूप से एक आलसी, बेकार, बेकार के आवारा नहीं होता, तो मैं इसे मुझे 20,000 डॉलर प्रति वर्ष का भुगतान कर सकता था। )
- And the commentary of his own and succeeding centuries upon these very extreme views is that Paracelsus was no scholar, but an ignorant vagabond. ( और इन अतिवादी विचारों पर उनकी अपनी और आने वाली सदियों की टिप्पणी यह है कि पेरासेलसस कोई विद्वान नहीं था, बल्कि एक अज्ञानी आवारा था। )
- Adolphus Spriggs: [singing] I 'm only a poor little vagabond... Fx: Gunshot Seagoon: Got ' im ! ( एडॉल्फ़स स्प्रिग्स: [गायन] मैं केवल एक गरीब छोटा आवारा हूँ... Fx: गनशॉट सीगून: मुझे मिल गया! )
More Sentence
- The Lycosa shares the Cricket 's views: like him, she finds a thousand pleasures in the vagabond life.
- But a vagabond can make a little silver go far.
- Truly a vagabond and a savage is Smith.
- I go forth a vagabond and a wanderer on the face of the earth.
- An old vagabond of a woman, that's all.
- A vagabond like herself, a wanderer, a seeker after nothingness?
- The vagabond had strayed into the summer-house and beguiled Basil.
- His surprise at seeing Peter and his vagabond equipment made him cough.
- Red Rufus purred as he went, rejoicing with his vagabond comrade.
- In fact a law of 1547 debarred " vagabond actors " from the City.
- Here is no dwelling of man, and scarce any passage, or at most of vagabond children running at their play.
- He went with the first rush to Klondike in 1897 and tramped across the States and Canada, being in gaol more than once as a vagabond.
- Children under 16 years of age are placed in the three state reformatories, and there is an institution for vagabond women at Rotterdam.
- Adolphus Spriggs: [singing] I'm only a poor little vagabond... Fx: Gunshot Seagoon: Got ' im!