inexcusable - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of inexcusable in Hindi


  • अक्षम्य
  • क्षमा न करने योग्य
  • माफी न करने योग्य

inexcusable Definition


  • too bad to be justified or tolerated.

inexcusable Example

  • Matt's behavior was inexcusable ( मैट का व्यवहार अक्षम्य था )
  • Some might say something I consider even worse: It is inexcusable that some go hungry while you have so much. ( कुछ लोग कुछ ऐसा कह सकते हैं जो मुझे और भी बुरा लगता है: यह अक्षम्य है कि आपके पास इतना होने पर कुछ भूखे रह जाते हैं। )
  • Such rudimentary and imperfect sketches would be quite excusable in a first draft, but inexcusable and incredible after the Nicomachean Ethics had been written. ( इस तरह के अल्पविकसित और अपूर्ण रेखाचित्र पहले मसौदे में काफी क्षम्य होंगे, लेकिन निकोमैचियन एथिक्स लिखे जाने के बाद अक्षम्य और अविश्वसनीय होंगे। )
  • Despite UN involvement in Rwanda, it is inexcusable that it took months and the slaughter of thousands of people before they received any aid. ( रवांडा में संयुक्त राष्ट्र की भागीदारी के बावजूद, यह अक्षम्य है कि कोई सहायता प्राप्त करने में महीनों और हजारों लोगों की हत्या हुई। )

More Sentence

  • The fact that the people of Flint, Michigan are still without clean water is both inexcusable and inhumane.  
  • The systematic imprisonment of gay individuals in Chechnya is an inexusable crime against humanity and should be stopped.  
  • Murder and abuse are inexcusable crimes and perpetrators should be harshly punished.
  • In order, however, to impute the whole work to Anaximenes, Spengel took one of the most inexcusable steps ever taken in the history of scholarship. Without any manuscript authority he altered the very first words " three genera " (T pia -yin) into " two genera " (Suo -ybni), and omitted the words " one declamatory " (rO SE E7rLSEtKrucOv).
  • And to say that it can mean only torment is an inexcusable abuse of language.
  • Nor is this indisposition to think upon many of the articles of modern faith wholly inexcusable.
  • With a local operation, employing hundreds of people , it would be inexcusable to leave it out.
  • However, the lack of warning or even of proper response from the Australians is simply inexcusable.
  • He could not help comparing the two women and finding Marias indifference to her appearance, inexcusable.
  • His manner of disposing of the Irish forfeitures was inexcusable.
  • Confusing a Wassermann twin with Jeffrey Byrne was inexcusable.
  • I delight in his lack of patience with everyone from students to politicians who demonstrate inexcusable ignorance, incompetence or obfuscation.
  • At the Kamo Festival, of course, such negligence is quite inexcusable.
  • This doesn't happen all the time but it's pretty inexcusable.
  • The dialog generally consisting of macho posturing, and when this is coming from the female leads its really inexcusable.