candid - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of candid in Hindi
- स्पष्टवादी
- खरा
- स्पष्टवादी
- निष्कपट
- सरल
- मासूम
- स्पष्ट
- सच्चा
candid Definition
- truthful and straightforward; frank.
- (of a photograph of a person) taken informally, especially without the subject's knowledge.
candid Example
- it is better to let the photographer mingle among the guests and take candid shots ( फोटोग्राफर को मेहमानों के बीच घुलने-मिलने देना और स्पष्ट तस्वीरें लेना बेहतर है )
- Randy hesitated, as if not sure how candid he should be. ( रैंडी हिचकिचाया, जैसे कि निश्चित नहीं है कि उसे कितना स्पष्टवादी होना चाहिए। )
- The owner was candid about the things that went wrong as well as the successes. ( मालिक उन चीजों के बारे में स्पष्ट था जो गलत हो गईं और साथ ही सफलताएं भी। )
- I don't know how candid you can be with Julie. ( मैं नहीं जानता कि आप जूली के साथ कितने स्पष्टवादी हो सकते हैं। )
More Sentence
- If you want to take home candid.
- How to have perfect candid shots.
- You see I am more candid than you.
- Ford was brutally candid about the many shortcomings on the team.
- !arrow ! Worst candid-camera catch : ! off!
- The band has appeared on " Candid Camera,"
- He's just the first to be candid about it.
- "He's very candid, a straight shooter.
- This Leader is refreshingly candid, direct, and up front.
- It's difficult to see candid in a sentence .
- Els was candid about a potential lack of focus this week.
- Gwenda gave her mother a candid look.
- So, you‘re already on candid camera.
- Not too much, to be candid with Master
- They were very candid portraits.
- Don't get alarmed but I've taken the liberty to be a tad candid with him.
- a candid discussion
- his responses were remarkably candid