filter - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of filter in Hindi

  • फिल्टर
  •  छन्नी
  • निस्पंदन
  • छानकर शुद्ध करना


  • छन्ना
  • छानने का यन्त्र


  • साफ़ करना
  • छानना
  • छनाना
  • verb

filter Definition


  • a porous device for removing impurities or solid particles from a liquid or gas passed through it.


  • pass (a liquid, gas, light, or sound) through a device to remove unwanted material.

filter Example

  • Her words escaped before she thought to filter them to our homes. (इससे पहले कि वह उन्हें हमारे घरों में छानने के बारे में सोचती, उसके शब्द बच गए।)
  • Many homes have a special device on their taps to filter their water for drinking. (कई घरों में पीने के पानी को छानने के लिए उनके नलों पर एक विशेष उपकरण लगा होता है)
  • The resulting code of the first stage is filtered to reduce the quantal noise. ( पहले चरण के परिणामी कोड को क्वांटल शोर को कम करने के लिए फ़िल्टर किया जाता है। )
  • It is washed by ejecting a jet of water, ammonia or other prescribed liquid on to the side of the filter paper until the paper is nearly full.
  • I took this picture with a red filter. (इसे फिल्टर पेपर के किनारे पर पानी, अमोनिया या अन्य निर्धारित तरल का एक जेट निकाल कर तब तक धोया जाता है जब तक कि कागज लगभग भर न जाए।
  • मैंने यह तस्वीर लाल फिल्टर से ली है।)
  • Nose hair serves the same purpose as the air filter in your car. (नाक के बाल आपकी कार में एयर फिल्टर के समान उद्देश्य को पूरा करते हैं।)

more sentence

  • Other responses characteristics (such as filters or nonlinearities) may also influence the phase data.
  • In the laboratory of Pasteur probably the first filter which successfully accomplished this object was produced.
  • Chattering noisily, the crowd began to filter into the auditorium.
  • To filter unwanted substances out of the blood, your kidneys contain thousands of tiny tubes adding up to about 40 miles in length.
  • Test luminances were reduced by attenuating the light source with neutral density filters.
  • But a much shallower and certainly not less efficient filter can be constructed by making the under-drains cover the whole bottom.
  • This congealed muck was interfering with the filter.
  • Filtration of the village's drinking water has reduced disease considerably.
  • They are also filtered through internal constraints, the innately available architectures (a markedness evaluator, somatic markers) that bias choices based on experience.
  • the brain has the ability to filter out information it considers non-essential
  • the news began to filter in from the hospital
  • you'll be put through to a secretary whose job it is to filter calls
  • a cheap filter cigarette
  • an oil filter
  • the patient is hooked up to a dialysis machine twice a week to filter out the cholesterol in the blood