triumvirate - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of triumvirate in Hindi

  • तिकड़ी
  • तीन व्यक्तियों का राज

triumvirate Definition

  • (in ancient Rome) a group of three men holding power, in particular ( the First Triumvirate ) the unofficial coalition of Julius Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus in 60 bc and ( the Second Triumvirate ) a coalition formed by Antony, Lepidus, and Octavian in 43 bc.
  • the office of triumvir in ancient Rome.

triumvirate Example

  • Finally, in the last few days, IBM, the father of PC technology, has added its corporate voice to those of this powerful triumvirate .
  • The executive power was vested in a triumvirate that was even more moderate than the assembly.
  • In 1923, as he fought for ‘proletarian democracy’ against the triumvirate led by Stalin, he changed his mind again, but by then he was too involved to speak decisively.
  • In the wake of his death, three men moved forward to form a new triumvirate which would punish Caesar's assassins and then divide up the Roman world.
  • a triumvirate of three former executive vice presidents
  • But that did not happen, and the House of Lords survived in a triumvirate with the king and Commons.
  • He shot into fame as one of the triumvirate during an All-India agitation against the partition of Bengal.
  • In the Bacon Labor Government three men were invariably referred to as the triumvirate and credited with being the power behind the Tasmanian Government's success.
  • ‘It was thought we'd be quite a good triumvirate ,’ he explains.
  • In 36, Octavian defeated Pompey's son Sextus Pompeius at Naulochus, and also ousted Lepidus from the triumvirate .
  • Under a ruling triumvirate , no one executive has clear control.
  • Hermione isn't portrayed as the main character but she is the main source of knowledge, even wisdom, I would say, and adds strength in the triumvirate .
  • However, Elizabeth, James and Henry formed a triumvirate of monarchs, to which Essex, as her creature, could not aspire.
  • The three brothers made an unlikely triumvirate .
  • It should have focused the minds, but Liverpool were still looking lethargic, with the striking triumvirate remarkably light on goalscoring opportunities.
  • The men wearing numbers 5, 6 and 35 make up a defensive triumvirate as formidable, aggressive, powerful and obdurate as any in the club's history.
  • The great triumvirate of white South African novelists share obvious preoccupations in the new South Africa.
  • The government has also organized a triumvirate merger between three state-owned financial institutions.
  • Antony emerged triumphant and the dominant partner of the triumvirate , while Octavian's seeming cowardice caused a severe if temporary setback to his ambitions.
  • But I do know there is a greater prospect he will seek a bit of equity in the distribution of investment and development of infrastructure than the present triumvirate .
  • The unpalatable truth, which the cosy triumvirate of mainstream parties refuse to face, is that there is not, and never has been a liberal consensus in this country.
  • He provided the balance within the ruling triumvirate , holding command over the 45,000-strong army.
  • Mark Antony has been spending his time in Egypt with his mistress, Cleopatra, and neglecting his duties as part of the triumvirate of Rome.
  • The deadlocked triumvirate of urban political authority was unable to effect the economic changes necessary to revitalize the local economy.
  • a triumvirate of three executive vice presidents
  • For now there are two rival triumvirates - main owner, dedicated trainer and retained jockey - fighting it out for supremacy.