tangible - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of tangible in Hindi

  • वास्तविक
  • मूर्त
  • ठोस
  • गोचर
  • स्पर्श योग्य


  • वास्तविक
  • असली
  • हक़ीक़ी

tangible Definition


  • perceptible by touch. ( स्पर्श द्वारा बोधगम्य। )


  • a thing that is perceptible by touch. ( एक ऐसी चीज़ जो स्पर्श से बोधगम्य है। )

tangible Example

  • Her voice broke the humming silence, almost tangible barrier between them. ( उसकी आवाज़ ने गुनगुनाई चुप्पी को तोड़ दिया, उनके बीच लगभग मूर्त बाधा। )
  • Could it be that there was actually a real and tangible hope that we would get out of here? ( क्या ऐसा हो सकता है कि वास्तव में एक वास्तविक और ठोस आशा थी कि हम यहां से निकल जाएंगे? )
  • That feeling of heaven, that bliss, had disappeared, leaving an almost tangible sense of absence. ( स्वर्ग का वह अहसास, वह आनंद गायब हो गया था, अभाव की लगभग मूर्त भावना को छोड़कर। )
  • It would be a visible and tangible means of bringing Glasgow and Edinburgh together. ( यह ग्लासगो और एडिनबर्ग को एक साथ लाने का एक दृश्य और मूर्त साधन होगा। )

More Sentence

  • The flowers are also meant to reflect the optimism of spring and act as a tangible and touching reminder for those who sponsor a bulb in memory of a loved one.
  • I was in Oxford Street later in the evening and I can report that the hysteria in the air was almost tangible .
  • Night closed in with an almost tangible intensity.
  • The buzz has been almost tangible as the first match of the Six Nations gets closer.
  • As I sat at the patient's bed his fear was almost tangible .
  • For faith is belief in the absence of tangible evidence or proof.
  • Throughout the group there was an almost tangible feeling of excited expectation that she couldn't understand.
  • To achieve tangible results, command personnel will also require training in the field of criminology.
  • Being labeled hypocrites is a price worth paying if it yields tangible results in the real world.
  • She walked quickly, and her resentment toward him was almost tangible .
  • As a society we are far too preoccupied with measuring things in terms of tangible commercial results.
  • These priority projects are real, tangible evidence of the company's work.
  • He carries that sorrow with him now, just under the surface, almost tangible .
  • In any broken place there rests tangible evidence of those who came before us and in touching what they left, we can for a time touch them.
  • He was a tangible threat each and every time he touched the ball.
  • Resources are tangible , visible, and relatively easy to measure.
  • People here will see this as a small but feasible and tangible antidote to perceptions that the country is the enemy of the rest of the world.
  • Was it the promise of the almost tangible chemistry between the two?
  • When we stopped getting outbreaks in the autumn of last year the relief, not only in country areas and among farmers but nationally, was almost tangible .
  • There comes a point in making a new garden when a sudden transformation happens and what was a wasteland becomes a visible, tangible garden.
  • The result will be a thorough, intelligent market research study that is likely to yield tangible results.
  • A triumph for him would allow him benefits that extend way beyond the tangible .
  • The attraction between us was almost tangible , electricity visible to the naked eye.
  • The speedscope is not capable of producing a visible, tangible record as is envisaged in the legislation.
  • Maybe one day he will understand that there are real and tangible consequences to mistakes.
  • The excitement with which I am tingling at this moment is almost tangible .