puma - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of puma in Hindi
- प्यूमा
puma Definition
- a large American wild cat with a plain tawny to grayish coat, found from Canada to Patagonia.
puma Example
- the lion and puma, ostrich and rhea. ( शेर और प्यूमा, शुतुरमुर्ग और रिया। )
- He no more spoke than a puma would. ( वह एक प्यूमा से ज्यादा नहीं बोलता था। )
- Puma and tabby No, Minkie the puma doesn’t fancy a helping of plump tabby, they’re just good friends. ( प्यूमा और टैब्बी नहीं, मिंकी द प्यूमा को मोटा टैब्बी की मदद पसंद नहीं है, वे सिर्फ अच्छे दोस्त हैं। )
- There are deer, called taruco (Cervus antisensis); the viscacha, a large rodent; a species of fox called atoc; and the puma (Felts concolor) and ucumari or black bear with a white muzzle, when driven by hunger, wander into the loftier regions. ( हिरण हैं, जिन्हें तरुको (सर्वस एंटीसेंसिस) कहा जाता है; विस्काचा, एक बड़ा कृंतक; एटोक नामक लोमड़ी की एक प्रजाति; और प्यूमा (फेल्ट्स कॉनकोलर) और उकुमारी या काला भालू सफेद थूथन के साथ, जब भूख से प्रेरित होते हैं, तो ऊंचे क्षेत्रों में घूमते हैं। )
More Sentence
- Fauna.-Among wild animals the tiger or ounce-called in the Guarani language the ja-gud or "big dog"-and the puma are found on the frontier of Brazil and on the wooded islets and banks of the larger rivers.
- The monkey did not answer, but silently pointed to the puma who was pretending to be asleep.
- The men thanked him heartily, let him pass on, and the puma followed behind him.
- The puma emitted a sudden, almost human shriek, and the muscles upon its foreshoulders swelled.
- Yet, strangely enough, no puma nor jaguar would ever even growl or snarl at Beeboo.
- Vase representing a puma with alligator figures painted on sides 137 203.
- And no more there would have been if the puma had had greater patience; but in his excitement he moved a little too soon.
- Fauna and Flora.-Of wild animals the most characteristic are the black bear, puma, prairie wolf, timber wolf, fox, deer, antelope, squirrel, rabbit and prairie dog.
- Among the animals are the puma, manatee (sea cow), alligator and crocodile, but the number of these has been greatly diminished by hunting.
- Black bears, wolves and deer are not yet extinct, and more rarely a " wild cat " (lynx) or " panther " (puma) is seen in the swamps.
- Here are found the lynx, the " mountain lion " or puma, the prairie and timber wolves, the jack rabbit, the prairie dog (gopher), the black, the brown and, occasionally, the grizzly bear.
- In the Puma valley the soil is everywhere a rich black loam, and nearly the whole of the land is cultivated.
- The new Puma has some things going for it, however.
- "Is Puma still around ? " he asked.
- Puma said it plans to complete the share sale by July.
- I consider Puma to be a very strong case for investment.
- One of the shortest and sharpest IPO ascents was Puma Technology.
- He now owns Fila, Nike, Puma and Reebok shoes.
- The Puma's performance neatly meshes with its fun appearance.
- When the rest of the sneaker industry zigs, Puma zags.
- He has a personal contract with German sporting goods company Puma.
- Pumas now leads the series with 10 points in five matches.
- It's difficult to see puma in a sentence .
- Mariano Trujillo scored the Pumas'only goal in the 75th.
- Cobreloa beat Pumas 1-0 two weeks ago in Mexico.
- Puma also opened a Web site Sunday to state its case.
- Pumas had their best chance to score in the 23rd minute.
- Also Thursday, the Pumas defeated Santos Laguna 2-1.
- It currently uses both Puma HC2 medium-lift transport helicopters.
- Puma, meanwhile, had disappeared from Heseltine's life.
- The jaguar and puma have found their way into the United States, while the wolf, coyote, bear and beaver have gone far southward on the plateau, and the buffalo was once found in large numbers on its more favoured northern plains.
- Aside from its origin, the fauna of Mexico includes at least five species of monkey, the jaguar, puma, ocelot (Felis pardalis), wolf, coyote, lynx, badger, otter (Lutra felina), beaver, muskrat, bear, raccoon (Procyon), coati (Nasua), tapir, two species of peccary (Dicotyles torquatus and D.