fasten - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of fasten in Hindi
- जकड़ना
- बांधना
- दृढ़ करना
- गूंथना
- बाँधना
- बंद करना
fasten Definition
- close or do up securely.
- single out (someone or something) and concentrate on them or it obsessively.
fasten Example
- his eyes seemed to fasten on her.(उसकी निगाहें उस पर टिकी हुई लग रही थीं)
- To keep the helmet in position, fasten the strap beneath the chin.(हेलमेट को सही स्थिति में रखने के लिए ठोढ़ी के नीचे पट्टा बांधें।).
- Fasten these sheets of paper together with a clip, please.(कृपया कागज की इन शीटों को एक क्लिप के साथ जकड़ें।)
- Fasten on what I am saying.(जो मैं कह रहा हूं उस पर दृढ़ रहो।)
- Fasten the edges of the cloth together with pins.(कपड़े के किनारों को पिन से बांधें।)
- Why fasten on me? It's not my fault.(मुझ पर क्यों बन्धन? यह मेरी गलती नहीं है।)
- Fasten your jacket up — it's getting cold.(अपनी जैकेट को ऊपर बांधें - यह ठंडा हो रहा है।)
- Can you fasten him down to a firm date?(क्या तुम उसे पक्की तारीख तक स्थिर कर सकते हो?)
- I was so fat that my skirt wouldn't fasten.(मैं इतना मोटा था कि मेरी स्कर्ट नहीं बंधती थी।)
- Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!(काश आप हमारे ऑनलाइन वाक्य शब्दकोश से लाभ उठा सकते हैं और दिन-प्रतिदिन प्रगति कर सकते हैं!)
- Fasten the saddle on the horse's back.(घोड़े की पीठ पर काठी बांधें।)
- The door of the garden will not fasten.(बाटिका का द्वार नहीं बंधेगा।)
More sentence
- Then, with the Wizard's help, he tried to fasten some of the wings to the old cab-horse.
- Fasten your seatbelts for this scorching family roller coaster !
- A-line skirt with pale buttons to fasten all the way down the front.
- The trousers fasten with a button and zip and also have a drawstring and buckle straps for further waist size adjustment.
- Fasten the wall angles at regular points around that line.
- The black pair are made from velvet and have a patent leather toecap and fasten with black silk bows.
- This cool mac has a big chunky brown zipper to fasten, with a circular ring pull zip toggle!
- They decorate it with silver and with gold; They fasten it with nails and with hammers So it will not totter.
- They fasten with a chunky zip at the front and are paneled and cut for movement and fit.
- She showed them how to fasten their seat belts.
- The driver advised us to fasten our seat belts.
- If you turn around, I'll fasten your dress for you.