pork - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of pork in Hindi
- सुअर का मांस
- सुअर का मांस
- गंवार
- शूकर-मांस
- सुअर के मांस का बना हुआ
pork Definition
- the flesh of a pig used as food, especially when uncured.
- short for pork barrel.
- stuff oneself with food; overeat.
pork Example
- pork chops. ( सूअर मास की चॉप। )
- The recipe here is a pork roast adapted from Caroline O'Neill's book 'Louisiana Kitchen'. ( यहां की रेसिपी कैरोलीन ओ'नील की किताब 'लुइसियाना किचन' से अनुकूलित पोर्क रोस्ट है। )
- Against my advice, he fed his dog some raw pork. ( मेरी सलाह के खिलाफ, उसने अपने कुत्ते को कुछ कच्चा सूअर खिलाया। )
- Cooked pork was passed among the people, and rice was always being brought. ( पका हुआ सूअर का मांस लोगों के बीच पहुँचाया जाता था, और चावल हमेशा लाया जाता था। )
- Cut nice pieces of cold pork and put them into a deep pan. ( ठंडे पोर्क के अच्छे टुकड़े काट कर एक गहरे पैन में डाल दें। )
- She began to fry her pork and apples, with a perfunctory attempt at conversation. ( उसने बातचीत में एक सिद्ध प्रयास के साथ, अपने सूअर का मांस और सेब भूनना शुरू कर दिया। )
- Cynthia joined him with a tray of sacrificial pork chops awaiting controlled incineration. ( सिंथिया नियंत्रित भस्मीकरण की प्रतीक्षा में बलि पोर्क चॉप की एक ट्रे के साथ उसके साथ शामिल हो गई। )
- Pork is also the most versatile of meats. It can be roasted whole or in pieces. ( पोर्क भी मांस का सबसे बहुमुखी है। इसे पूरे या टुकड़ों में भुना जा सकता है। )
- Pork doesn't agree with me. ( पोर्क मुझसे सहमत नहीं है। )
More Sentence
- Even Emmy Lou knew the pork house which had built itself unpleasantly near the neighbourhood.
- She cooked us a delicious French dish with pork and tomatoes.
- The packing of pork and beef formerly centred in Boston,.
- Cook the beans with a piece of salt pork.
- Fry the pork in the pan until well browned, then drain off any excess fat.
- The quality of pork is often less variable than beef.
- Among the general products are Indian corn, tobacco, mandioca, beans, pork and cotton.
- You have complained about the toughness and the cut of meat, you will no longer eat liver and pork.
- That's a nice rack of pork chops.
- Haslet is a pork meat loaf, which is flavoured with a variety of herbs and spices.
- When on service he used the mean fare of the common private, dining on salt pork, cheese and sour wine.
- We had a Bavarian pork roast with red cabbage.
- Then I thought of the knight of the pork pies and reflected that it might after all.
- Everyone here knows you don't eat pork.
- The food of the inhabitants of the Land of Promise consisted of fresh pork, new milk and ale.
- More than iron, more than lead, more than gold I need electricity. I need it more than I need lamb or pork or lettuce or cucumber. I need it for my dreams.
- Combine the pork, egg, sesame oil, salt and pepper in a large bowl and mix well.sentencedict.com
- It has a distinctive flavour that blends well with pork.
- Bratwurst as sold in the United States is made from beef, pork, and veal.
- Pork meat products could potentially carry PRRS, although they are of far greater risk for other diseases.
- Waitress! Another basket of pork dumplings, please.
- Which would you rather eat tonight, beef or pork?
- For this you received a bag of pork scratchings and a clout round the ear.
- Our personal preference is to cook pork, particularly the loin cuts, so that it is slightly pink and remains moist.
- Which would you rather eat tonight, beef or pork?
- Legs of pork were cured and smoked over the fire.
- You said it was beef. However, I think it's pork.
- roast pork.
- The main ingredient was spicy ground pork.