ineffective - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of ineffective in Hindi
- अप्रभावी
- बेअसर
- प्रभावहीन
- निष्फल
- निष्प्रभावी
- निरर्थक
- निकम्मा
ineffective Definition
- not producing any significant or desired effect.
ineffective Example
- the legal sanctions against oil spills are virtually ineffective ( तेल रिसाव के खिलाफ कानूनी प्रतिबंध वस्तुतः अप्रभावी हैं )
- This half measure was as ineffective as was to have been expected. ( यह आधा उपाय उतना ही अप्रभावी था जितना कि अपेक्षित था। )
- Ismail's efforts to put an end to the slave trade, if sincere, were ineffective, and, moreover, south of Kordofan the authority of the government did not extend beyond the posts occupied by their troops. ( दास व्यापार को समाप्त करने के लिए इस्माइल के प्रयास, यदि ईमानदार थे, तो अप्रभावी थे, और इसके अलावा, कोर्डोफन के दक्षिण में सरकार का अधिकार उनके सैनिकों द्वारा कब्जा किए गए पदों से आगे नहीं बढ़ा। )
- I sent a telegram to my stubborn, ineffective legs. ( मैंने अपने जिद्दी, अप्रभावी पैरों को एक तार भेजा। )
More Sentence
- God is showing them how ineffective their gods are.
- Even weapons of silver proved ineffective against it.
- Anything too much or too little is proven ineffective.
- But the rejection was ineffective because of its fascination.
- An ambient radiance that shames The ineffective moon....
- Yet, under the laws of that time, these were ineffective upon the Sabbath day.
- It was aired because it was and is an ineffective film.
- This does not mean that they are unsafe or ineffective.
- Culling or shooting of pigeons is often ineffective as.
- Failed to rationalize the ineffective committee system;.
- The cabbage soup diet is not only considered ineffective.
- The syllogism is ineffective, belonging to argumentation, and constraining assent where what we want is control of things.
- Her mind control magic slid around him, ineffective this night.
- The plan of an international fleet to coerce the Mahommedan is even to this day ineffective; but the Hospitallers, who acquired a new basis by the conquest of Rhodes in 1310, used their fleet to enforce a partial and, on the whole, ineffective blockade of the coast of the Levant.
- a weak and ineffective leader