dreamt - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of dreamt in Hindi

  • सपना देखा

dreamt Definition


  • to see or experience pictures and events in your mind while you are asleep

dreamt Example

  • He'd dreamt many times about his sister and his family, but she'd never talked to him directly. ( उसने अपनी बहन और उसके परिवार के बारे में कई बार सपना देखा था, लेकिन उसने कभी उससे सीधे बात नहीं की। ) 
  • She'd dreamt of sleeping with Darkyn. ( वह डार्किन के साथ सोने का सपना देखती थी। )
  • The next night, however, having dreamt that he beheld Firdousi in paradise dressed in the sacred colour, green, and wearing an emerald crown, he reconsidered his determination; and the poet was henceforth held to be perfectly orthodox. ( अगली रात, हालांकि, यह सपना देखा कि उसने फिरदौसी को स्वर्ग में पवित्र रंग, हरे रंग के कपड़े पहने, और एक पन्ना मुकुट पहने हुए देखा, उसने अपने दृढ़ संकल्प पर पुनर्विचार किया; और कवि को अब पूरी तरह से रूढ़िवादी माना गया। )

More Sentence

  • This is something the students would have never dreamt of or, possibly this concept of intellectual entertainment itself might be new to them.  
  • I had dreamt of freedom, and today I feel free.
  • That is the stuff that I dreamt about 10 years ago.
  • Who would have dreamt that this would happen to the Marlins?
  • All my life, I never dreamt about any of it,
  • It has been a much bigger undertaking than I ever dreamt.
  • I know personally Yankee Stadium is where I dreamt about playing.
  • "I've dreamt about this my whole life.
  • Everybody dreamt of a Confederations Cup final between France and Brazil.
  • He told me that he never dreamt of such a moment,
  • It's difficult to see dreamt in a sentence .
  • Kate, 16, was a promising musician who dreamt of becoming a professional flautist.  
  • I dreamt that I was at my own wedding, waiting at the door, in a claret corset and white skirt.  
  • It was so unbelievably, horrifically brilliant that we were frankly worried we might have dreamt it.
  • After the fifth, she was certain she'd dreamt it all up.