pigmentation - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of pigmentation in Hindi

  • रंजकता

pigmentation Definition


  • the natural coloring of animal or plant tissue.

pigmentation Example

  • Certain metallic poisons give rise to pigmentation of the tissues, e.g. ( कुछ धात्विक विष ऊतकों के रंजकता को जन्म देते हैं, उदा। )
  • Pigmentation of the skin may occur in the later stages. ( त्वचा की रंजकता बाद के चरणों में हो सकती है। )
  • A tendency to pigmentation also develops in certain tissues of the body, such as the nerve and muscle cells. ( रंजकता की प्रवृत्ति शरीर के कुछ ऊतकों, जैसे तंत्रिका और मांसपेशियों की कोशिकाओं में भी विकसित होती है। )
  • The skin irradiated was pigmentation after radiotherapy. ( विकिरणित त्वचा रेडियोथेरेपी के बाद रंजकता थी। )

More Sentence

  • A dog that is bb always has this pigmentation.
  • It has obvious whitening effective for pigmentation of ephelides and chloasmas.
  • The pigmentation is black on the nose and eye rims except self-colored in brown , beaver, and blue dogs.
  • Perfectly whiten the blacker and all kind of pigmentation skin.
  • It does not harm the pupae after pigmentation of the compound eye.
  • In the recent 10 years, pigmentation of plastics industry develops rapidly.
  • The doctor said permanent dermal pigmentation is a form of microsurgery.
  • Oral leukoplakia, fibrosis or ulcer, skin pigmentation, loss of weight for over 10%.
  • In hepatogenous pigmentation (icterus or jaundice) we have the iron-free pigment modified and transformed by the action of the liver cells into bile pigment (bilirubin).
  • In regard to physical features they present at the present time very many varieties both of stature and of pigmentation, though on the whole they are probably the tallest and fairest of European peoples.