on the contrary - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of on the contrary in Hindi
- इसके विपरीत
- उल्टे
- प्रत्युत
- इसके विपरीत
- इसके प्रतिकूल
on the contrary Definition
- used to intensify a denial of what has just been implied or stated by suggesting that the opposite is the case.
on the contrary Example
- On the contrary, he is still campaigning on his resume and the argument that his experience is what his party needs. ( इसके विपरीत, वह अभी भी अपने रिज्यूमे और इस तर्क पर प्रचार कर रहे हैं कि उनका अनुभव वही है जो उनकी पार्टी को चाहिए। )
- You use on the contrary when you have just said or implied that something is not true and are going to say that the opposite is true. ( आप इसके विपरीत उपयोग करते हैं जब आपने अभी कहा या निहित किया है कि कुछ सच नहीं है और कहने जा रहे हैं कि विपरीत सच है। )
- On the contrary, features and limbs are perceived in isolation without relation, as fragments rather than as part of a totality. ( इसके विपरीत, विशेषताओं और अंगों को बिना किसी संबंध के अलगाव में, समग्रता के हिस्से के बजाय टुकड़ों के रूप में माना जाता है। )
- There was a contrary opinion of course! ( बेशक एक विपरीत राय थी! )
More Sentence
- It’s no trouble at all; on the contrary, it will be a great pleasure to help you.
- A: Are you nearly through? B: On the contrary, I’ve only just begun.
- Girls, on the contrary, have almost invariably developed sexually before the onset of the disease.
- On the contrary, far-flung, geographically dispersed organizations may remain centralized for some important business functions.
- On the contrary, it extends further to include the Zealots as well.
- Dionysus, on the contrary, was never thought of as a power in the kingdom of the dead.
- On the contrary, I didn't even hear it.
- On the contrary, I was flattered.
- Somehow it seemed contrary to his character - any of them.
- They reviewed contrary viewpoints.
- On the contrary, they are partners for a finite amount of time usually dedicated to a finite objective.
- On the contrary, one sees how greater physical distance could well help to bring emotional relationships closer.
- On the contrary, they saw themselves as purifying a church that had become diluted, dehydrated, and despoiled.
- It is not an idea around which the Community can unite. On the contrary, I see it as one that will divide us.
- We shouldn't philander solemnly with that point of view. On the contrary,we should treat it seriously.
- in another case, and amongst more aged fungi, the hymenium of which had ceased to give light, the stipe, on the contrary, threw out a brilliant glare.
- The next evening, on the contrary, this substance, having been exposed to contact with the air, exhibited at its surface the same brightness as the bark of the branches.
- As Tulasne observes, the pseudospores of the Òcidium and the greater number of Uredines are easily wetted with water before arriving at maturity; but when they are ripe, on the contrary, they appear to be clothed with a greasy matter which protects them from the liquid, forcing them almost all to rest on the surface.
- On the contrary, such cooperation makes sense and is valuable.
- On the contrary, I intend to strengthen these core values.
- On the contrary, it would be a crime not to.
- It's difficult to see on the contrary in a sentence .
- On the contrary, it was Ethiopian troops that invaded Eritrea.
- On the contrary, even conservative Catholics smile at the behavior.
- On the contrary, there is a greater demand for workers.
- On the contrary, any violence will paralyze the entire process.
- On the contrary, the man is nothing but inner life.
- its extremity never opens, and we never find antherozoids; on the contrary, the antheridium presents, up to the maturity of the oospore, the appearance which it presented at the moment of fecundation.
- I would like to disabuse your mind of the idea that your cousin has a feeling of hostility to you. On the contrary he spoke to me in the most friendly terms of you.
- Yet small-business owners are no less honest than most people. On the contrary, they are generally more honest.