abridge - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of abridge in Hindi

  • छोटा या संक्षिप्त करना
  • संक्षिप्तीकरण
  • काट-छाँट
  • संक्षेप करना

abridge Definition

  • shorten (a book, movie, speech, or other text) without losing the sense. (छोटी (एक किताब, फिल्म, भाषण, या अन्य पाठ) समझदारी खोए बिना)
  • curtail (rights or privileges). (curtail (अधिकार या विशेषाधिकार))

abridge Example

  • No state could abridge those privileges or immunities, or deny any person due process or the equal protection of the law. (कोई भी राज्य उन विशेषाधिकारों या प्रतिरक्षा को समाप्त नहीं कर सकता, या किसी व्यक्ति को प्रक्रिया या कानून के समान संरक्षण से वंचित नहीं कर सकता है।)
  • They are edited, abridged , and slightly simplified and represent a fraction of their original length. (वे संपादित, संक्षिप्त और थोड़े सरल हैं और अपनी मूल लंबाई के एक अंश का प्रतिनिधित्व करते हैं।)

More Sentence

  • Sherburn's estimation of the capacities of youth was generous in comparison; this more aggressive abridger turned the nineteen volumes of Richardson's three novels into a 232-page duodecimo.
  • Unlike the Pappenheim version, the 1913 printing had a fine introduction, notes and index, albeit abridged and reworked under the editorship of Alfred Feilchenfeld.
  • What follows is an edited and slightly abridged version of an interview conducted in London in October 2003.
  • He shows the hand of a skilled theatrical abridger at work, surgically excising flowery and purple ‘literary’ material, and reworking the remainder for the benefit of players and playgoers.
  • The Scherzo capriccioso, abridged in this recording in order to fit on two 78 rpm sides, was recorded with the Berlin Philharmonic in 1930.
  • To begin with, the new publishers were content to reprint and to produce abridged volumes.
  • Because some of these emails are so long I have abridged several but provided a link to the full email.
  • It's definitely not abridged in any way, shape or form.
  • Oh, and I also put to bed today the final few pages of an adapted-for-children-and-language-learners version of Autour de la Lune, by Jules Verne before the abridger got his hands on it.
  • For a host of less well-known Scottish actors, and for the abridgers , including the writers of this article, Storyline has been an important source of work and income.
  • The magic of the original isn't dulled in this carefully abridged volume of the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, which was nominated for the prestigious Kate Greenaway award.
  • The original six hour series had been abridged into two hours and you could feel that the pacing was rushed (something that was somehow avoided in the 1955 remake).
  • Dharma has plans for a 300-page abridged version of the book.
  • I have the right to free speech, for example, and you can ask me to apologize for anything I say that offends you, and that request would have no bearing on whether my freedom of speech was being abridged .
  • He has the full-length book, various abridged versions of the book, the video, the CD, the CD-ROM and the DVD.
  • So I think we have an obligation to make sure that her rights are not in any way abridged .
  • If Polanski's Twist can be faulted for anything, it's perhaps in presenting a version of the novel that feels ever so slightly abridged .
  • He began ‘treating’ the book, radically abridging the overripe text with poems ‘found’ within each page and distributed over it in blurbs something like speech bubbles.
  • For example, according to the First Amendment, Congress shall make no law abridging free speech.
  • To make things worse, commercially available audio books are usually abridged and twice as expensive as the print version.
  • The evidence clearly shows that the city's police powers are not abridged in any manner and that the agreement is expressly subject to the remedies available to the city under the Omaha Municipal Code.
  • Wonderfully constructed narratives, such as the patriarchal stories of Genesis, are reduced and abridged as to make many of them incomprehensible.
  • Does it matter to you if the book you read is abridged or unabridged?
  • Even when the permanent Victoria Theatre opened at Sydney in 1838, its operatic productions were at first brutally abridged , translated, and arranged with music more easily at hand.
  • The BBC say that this will be done ‘with our usual sensitivity’ by ‘highly experienced abridgers ’.
  • Edward E. Ericson, Jr., is a professor of English at Calvin College, and a Solzhenitsyn scholar who abridged The Gulag Archipelago in cooperation with the author.
  • A one-volume abridged edition, the basis of this publication, was published in hardback in 1992.
  • My necessarily abridged synopsis of the play does a complicated and layered work little justice, so you'll have to just take my word that this is a masterful production that has it all.