kidneys - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of kidneys in Hindi

  • गुर्दे

kidneys Definition


  • each of a pair of organs in the abdominal cavity of mammals, birds, and reptiles, excreting urine.

kidneys Example

  • The kidneys are enlarged and congested. ( गुर्दे बढ़े हुए और भीड़भाड़ वाले होते हैं। )
  • Kaiser has described as kidneys two organs something like minute shrubs situated dorsally to the generative ducts into which they open. ( कैसर ने गुर्दे को दो अंगों के रूप में वर्णित किया है, जैसे कि छोटी-छोटी झाड़ियाँ, जो जनन नलिकाओं में पृष्ठीय रूप से स्थित होती हैं, जिसमें वे खुलती हैं। )
  • Occasionally the fluke migrates into the blood vessels and may reach the lungs, kidneys, urethra and bladder. ( कभी-कभी अस्थायी रक्त वाहिकाओं में चला जाता है और फेफड़े, गुर्दे, मूत्रमार्ग और मूत्राशय तक पहुंच सकता है। )
  • Strychnine is eliminated by the kidneys as strychnine and strychnic acid. ( स्ट्राइकिन को गुर्दे द्वारा स्ट्राइकिन और स्ट्राइकनिक एसिड के रूप में समाप्त कर दिया जाता है। )

More Sentence

  • Diabetes related kidney disease required the patient to undergo dialysis to help clear waste from his body.  
  • Donating a kidney to her sister was an act of love since the fundamental blood purifier is needed to survive.  
  • Each kidney is partially responsible for maintaining a constant amount of fluid in the body.  
  • When dehydration set in, the woman’s only functioning kidney stopped producing enough urine.  
  • As one of the body’s most needed organs, each kidney filters and returns around 100 quarts of fluid into the bloodstream each day.  
  • Without enough water, your kidneys can't function properly and their duties are passed on to the liver.
  • It is probable that the kidneys also have an internal secretion, and that the great oedema sometimes found in kidney disease is rather due to the action of some proteid body resembling in its effects the streptococcus anti-toxin, than to accumulation of water due to imperfect action of the kidney.
  • The cause was kidney failure, said his wife, Martha.
  • The cause was kidney failure, said his brother, Charles.
  • That is especially a problem in people with poor kidney function.
  • The cause was heart and kidney failure, his family said.
  • The bark is made into powder for stomach and kidney ailments.
  • For example, if your kidneys aren't doing their job, then your liver picks up the slack.
  • The cells do not receive the necessary energy for proper functioning and if the buildup of glucose in the bloodstream continues, health problems may arise that affect the heart, kidneys, nervous system and eyes.
  • Diabetes related kidney disease required the patient to undergo dialysis to help clear waste from his body.  
  • Donating a kidney to her sister was an act of love since the fundamental blood purifier is needed to survive.  
  • Each kidney is partially responsible for maintaining a constant amount of fluid in the body.  
  • When dehydration set in, the woman’s only functioning kidney stopped producing enough urine.  
  • As one of the body’s most needed organs, each kidney filters and returns around 100 quarts of fluid into the bloodstream each day.  
  • They are regarded as kidneys.
  • Sodium is excreted by all the mucous surfaces and by the liver and kidneys.