in depth - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of in depth in Hindi

  • गहराई में

in depth Definition


  • comprehensive and thorough.

in depth Example

  • The soil is for the most part glacial drift, composed of clay, sand and gravel, and varying greatly in depth. ( मिट्टी अधिकांश भाग हिमनद बहाव के लिए है, जो मिट्टी, रेत और बजरी से बना है, और गहराई में बहुत भिन्न है। )
  • At a time when many encyclopedias have capsulated and condensed important knowledge, the 11th edition is generally much more in-depth and thorough on its topics. ( ऐसे समय में जब कई विश्वकोशों ने महत्वपूर्ण ज्ञान को संपुटित और संघनित किया है, 11 वां संस्करण आम तौर पर अपने विषयों पर अधिक गहन और संपूर्ण है। )
  • I would rather have done an in-depth investigation into five-star hotels on the French Riviera. ( मैं इसके बजाय फ्रेंच रिवेरा के पाँच सितारा होटलों की गहन जाँच करूँगा। )
  • At most conventions, there takes place an in-depth discussion on party policy.  ( अधिकांश सम्मेलनों में, पार्टी नीति पर गहन चर्चा होती है। )

More Sentence

  • Maps had proven the key to learning the first thing I ever studied in-depth all on my own.
  • The research group conducted surveys and in-depth interviews with petitioners.  
  • It wouldn't be a quick fix but a proper, in-depth look which is what we need.  
  • This will include in-depth interviews and behind the scenes with lead stars.
  • The size of the pitcher varies widely in the different species, from an inch to a foot or more in depth.
  • We will discuss in depth what it will take for this autonomy.
  • We will investigate in depth what is their relationship with these events,
  • Surfers can chew over the case in depth at About . com.
  • But what it lacks in depth, it makes up for in sweep.
  • It's difficult to see in depth in a sentence .
  • Even the battalions of the lead regiment were deployed in depth.
  • The discussions have dealt with various important issues that require in depth analysis.
  • Weygand had organised a defence in depth and frustrated the crossing.
  • They pick their spots and then go after them in depth,
  • None of the other lakes in the park exceeds in depth.
  • In its long course it varies greatly both in depth and width, in some parts being only a few feet deep and spreading out to a width of more than a mile, while in other and mountainous portions of its course its channel is narrowed to 300 or 400 ft., and its depth is increased in inverse ratio.
  • On account of the small Drilling in depth of the wells, and the tenacious nature of the Canada.