erect - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of erect in Hindi
- खड़ा करना
- खड़ा
- सीधा
- verb
- खड़ा करना
- सीधा करना
- तामीर करना
- खड़े खड़े
- निर्माण करना
- ऊर्ध्वशीर्ष
- तना हुआ
erect Definition
- rigidly upright or straight.
- construct (a building, wall, or other upright structure).
erect Example
- In 1836 he began to erect a grand conservatory 300 ft. ( 1836 में उन्होंने 300 फीट की ऊंचाई पर एक भव्य संरक्षिका का निर्माण शुरू किया। )
- It is a tall perennial grass-like plant, giving off numerous erect stems 6 to 12 ft. ( यह एक लंबा बारहमासी घास जैसा पौधा है, जो 6 से 12 फीट तक कई खड़े तने देता है। )
- Standing erect on its hind legs, a grizzly bear can reach up to 8 feet in heightMy children love to erect towers out of blocks and then knock them over. ( अपने हिंद पैरों पर खड़े होकर, एक भूरा भालू 8 फीट की ऊंचाई तक पहुंच सकता हैमेरे बच्चों को टावरों को ब्लॉक से बाहर खड़ा करना और फिर उन्हें खटखटाना पसंद है। )
- Dr. Hugo Keim once suggested that if you believe in evolution, you can trace all of our lower back problems to the time when the first hominid stood erect. ( डॉ ह्यूगो कीम ने एक बार सुझाव दिया था कि यदि आप विकासवाद में विश्वास करते हैं, तो आप हमारी सभी पीठ के निचले हिस्से की समस्याओं का पता लगा सकते हैं जब पहला होमिनिड खड़ा हुआ था। )
More Sentence
- Standing erect on its hind legs, a grizzly bear can reach up to 8 feet in height.
- The Lombardy poplar is valuable chiefly as an ornamental tree, its timber being of very inferior quality; its tall, erect growth renders it useful to the landscape-gardener as a relief to the rounded forms of other trees, or in contrast to the horizontal lines of the lake or river-bank where it delights to grow.
- His wars in Sicily and Africa left him time to do something for the relief of the poorer citizens at the expense of the rich, as well as to erect new fortifications and public buildings; and under his strong government Syracuse seems to have been at least quiet and orderly.
- Waddell has shown that, in some cases, it is convenient to erect simple independent spans, by building them out as cantilevers and converting them into independent - (5) The Poughkeepsie bridge over the Hudson, built 1886-1887.
- Its legs were long and lean and its head was held low, ears erect.
- Anatole stood erect with staring eyes.
- Natasha sat erect, gazing with a searching look now at her father and now at Pierre.
- Not two minutes had passed before Prince Vasili with head erect majestically entered the room.