idol - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of idol in Hindi

  • प्रतिमा
  • मूर्ति
  • प्यारा
  • पूजित मनुष्य या वस्तु
  • बुत
  • भक्तिभाजन
  • देव प्रतिमा
  • आराध्य व्यक्ति

idol Definition

  • an image or representation of a god used as an object of worship. ( पूजा की वस्तु के रूप में इस्तेमाल की जाने वाली भगवान की एक छवि या प्रतिनिधित्व। )

idol Example

  • He had the look of a former idol or tennis star with his medium build, blue eyes, and short wavy blonde hair.
  • Each village has its own goddess or Gramadevata, often in the form of an idol worshipped under a sacred tree.
  • Raising the subject is more racist than people simply choosing their favourite idol .
  • Wilder grew up loving Buster Keaton and Charlie Chaplin, but his great idol was famed director Ernst Lubitsch.
  • movie idol Robert Redford
  • What friend, dignitary, hero, sports idol , movie star, etc. might we ask over to eat with us?
  • They destroyed an idol to a god that was leading the world into immorality.
  • I know that Dad was an idol to millions who grew up loving his music and his ideals.
  • a soccer idol
  • A vegetarian socialist with great personal charm and a definite way with the love poem, you remain an idol for female readers.
  • The Presley posse had gathered in York to celebrate and commemorate their idol , who died 25 years ago today.
  • Now, she dreams of becoming a big name producer emulating her idol , hip-hop star Kanye West.
  • IT'S taken him 30 years, but Al Pacino finally seems comfortable with his status as a movie idol .
  • They even went to heathen temples, worshipped idols , and called to the Devil for help.
  • Some of the children of Israel had begun to stray after the daughters of Moav and to worship their idols .
  • Aryans on the other hand had no idols and worshipped nature, as human forms that resided in the heavens.
  • Some people are so weak that they are afraid of eating things sacrificed to idols .
  • These were, we must remember, unbelieving Gentiles, worshipers of idols and knew very little of the Jewish religion.
  • After all no-one needs past heroes when there are new idols to laud.
  • But he will know that the Victorians had their own idols , especially among the heroes and martyrs of the Empire.
  • We change our tastes and opinions with the same blinding speed that TV can make you famous or the press turn on idols they once loved.
  • Now the aristos and film idols have been joined by sports stars.
  • For many adolescents, particularly young women, their hearts really do belong to singing and movie idols .
  • In the Arab world many of these people are literary celebrities, film idols , and media stars.
  • My mind sped from the first commandment to Paul's advice about eating food offered to idols .
  • Rashi suggests that Rachel stole Laban's idols to prevent her father from worshiping them.
  • Israel had more heathen kings and again the people began to worship idols .
  • Ironically, Abraham's father, Terach, had made his living selling idols of various gods.
  • Football watchdogs are hoping to cut the cost for soccer fans desperate to keep up with their soccer idols .
  • But he was also a keen footballer who admired his idols Manchester United and who enjoyed a kickabout with friends.