elegantly - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of elegantly in Hindi

  • सुंदर ढंग से
  • ठाट से
  • लालित्य से
  • शिष्टता से
  • शान से

elegantly Definition


  • in a graceful and stylish manner.
  • in a pleasingly ingenious and simple manner.

elegantly Example

  • tendrils of clouds glide elegantly across the sky ( बादलों की प्रवृति पूरे आकाश में सुंदर ढंग से सरकती है )
  • an elegantly phrased argument ( एक सुंदर ढंग से वाक्यांशबद्ध तर्क )
  • The officer on duty was a handsome, elegantly dressed man with a diamond ring on his forefinger. ( ड्यूटी पर मौजूद अधिकारी अपनी तर्जनी पर हीरे की अंगूठी के साथ एक सुंदर, सुंदर कपड़े पहने हुए व्यक्ति था। )
  • Bilibin liked conversation as he liked work, only when it could be made elegantly witty. ( बिलिबिन को बातचीत पसंद थी क्योंकि उन्हें काम पसंद था, केवल जब इसे सुरुचिपूर्ण ढंग से मजाकिया बनाया जा सकता था। )

More Sentence

  • The variety called variegatum has very elegantly marked leaves, and is sometimes used as a margin or otherwise in bedding arrangements.
  • Thereafter, I elegantly leaped onto the carpet and.
  • The Chippewa was elegantly appointed for a ferryboat.
  • As thou wilt, kind sir, she curtsied low and elegantly.
  • Now he noticed for the first time how very elegantly he was dressed.
  • As yet our rooms are rather usefully than elegantly furnished.
  • The men hurried away to execute these elegantly embellished orders.
  • The room was elegantly furnished; the walls were hung with fine oil-paintings.
  • Here there was a Roman lady, elegantly dressed and richly jewelled.
  • All of these elegantly painted little figures are the work of A. van de Velde.
  • BARTON BOOTH, Esq., elegantly designed and well executed.
  • She looks elegantly sophisticated in a pale blue silk dress.
  • Suddenly, she wasn't sure she liked her hair piled elegantly.
  • She was very elegantly coiffed, fine strings of pearls woven.
  • Annie was amazed to find herself in a most elegantly appointed.
  • In spite of the appalling weather, the Empire Room, elegantly.
  • Boris was elegantly dressed, with a slightly martial touch appropriate to a wartime wedding.
  • Free-growing but rather weedy ranunculaceous plants, in many cases having elegantly cut foliage.
  • a handsome, elegantly dressed businessman
  • he has elegantly solved the problem