heredity - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of heredity in Hindi

  • वंशागति


  • आनुवंशिकता
  • वंश-परंपरा
  • वंश-परंपरा से प्राप्त गुण-दोष
  • पैत्रिकता
  • वंशगतता
  • वंश-परम्परा

heredity Definition


  • the passing on of physical or mental characteristics genetically from one generation to another.
  • the inheritance of a title, office, or right.

heredity Example

  • he wears a Cossack tunic to emphasize his Russian heredity  ( वह अपनी रूसी आनुवंशिकता पर जोर देने के लिए एक कॉसैक अंगरखा पहनता है )  
  • membership is largely based on heredity  ( सदस्यता काफी हद तक आनुवंशिकता पर आधारित है )
  • Because of my heredity, I have my mother’s red hair and my father’s green eyes.  ( मेरी आनुवंशिकता के कारण, मेरे पास मेरी माँ के लाल बाल और मेरे पिता की हरी आँखें हैं। ) 
  • High blood pressure is associated with heredity and is most often seen in members of the African American race. ( उच्च रक्तचाप आनुवंशिकता से जुड़ा होता है और अक्सर अफ्रीकी अमेरिकी जाति के सदस्यों में देखा जाता है। )

More Sentence

  • Any kind of civilization system has its inherent requirement of heredity and self-existence, which is irreproachable.  
  • He said that while there are a few indigenous reasons like genes, heredity etc for obesity, there are more exogenous reasons for the problem.  
  • The units of heredity, or genes, are DNA sequences that code for the synthesis of proteins.  
  • Their biology teacher has just given them an assignment about genes and heredity, expecting them to pass a five-page term paper by Wednesday.  
  • And the girl began to think of herself as a free agent, unbound by the presumptions of heredity.
  • According to Pat’s doctor, she is more likely to have certain medical conditions because of the traits she received through heredity.  
  • Many people favor human cloning because it allows them to control heredity by giving their children only certain genes.  
  • Over the years, scientific discoveries about heredity have allowed researchers to identify the cause of many genetic disorders.
  • few scientists dispute that heredity can create a susceptibility to alcoholism