frustration - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of frustration in Hindi

  • निराशा
  • कुंठा
  • पराजय

frustration Definition

  • the feeling of being upset or annoyed, especially because of inability to change or achieve something. ( किसी चीज को बदलने या हासिल करने में असमर्थता के कारण विशेष रूप से परेशान या नाराज होने की भावना। )

frustration Example

  • Having lost her trail, the man gave a grunt of frustration and kicked the curb.
  • Congenital retardation seems to doom many of the retarded individual's interests to frustration .
  • Some Russian media are speculating that military officers are resigning in frustration .
  • Consequently, I wanted to avoid the frustration of the country's restrictive speed limits.
  • A college is aiming to take the frustration out of constructing that flat-pack furniture.
  • When he was substituted, the TV cameras even witnessed him kicking out at the dug-out in frustration .
  • She's accustomed to quicker success, and her frustration is starting to show.
  • This frustration with the lack of ability to fulfill a certain role may lead to violence.
  • One of the little boys kicked in frustration at one of the two perimeter fences that separated him from his father.
  • the frustration of their wishes
  • This approach, while successful in places, can lead to frustration if you are eager to hear the final answer.
  • tears of frustration rolled down her cheeks
  • I sometimes feel like screaming with frustration
  • My sense is that they may be doing these awful things out of frustration .
  • The atmosphere is of barely restrained aggression and frustration .
  • I managed to at least contain my frustration and prevented myself from bursting into a swearing fit.
  • The best way to prevent frustration here in China is to manage you expectations.
  • But they all share a common trait - frustration at the obstacles put in the way of progress.
  • This party knows the depth of my commitment to the Middle East peace process and shares my frustration at the lack of progress.
  • Along with the anger there is frustration at the powerlessness of people of good will to affect this tragic situation or to reverse the broader regional drift toward more war, internal strife, and injustice.
  • We can feel the cops' growing frustration as they try to prevent a gang war, even going to illegal lengths to do so.
  • The stoicism that was largely a media-political construct is already turning to frustration .
  • One theory is that she may have refused to comply with his wishes, adding to his frustration .
  • Even though you may experience success, you feel only frustration and hopelessness.
  • I understand the frustration of the police, who are trying to prevent a possible tragedy.
  • On the other hand, dispatching the form electronically will at least overcome such petty frustrations .
  • The recruiter will think the applicant too fragile to stand the frustrations of daily life.
  • When frustrations have occurred, it's well worth getting to the source so that you can handle it once and for all.
  • Koeman dropped in for a chat and the Dutchman might have mentioned frustrations in the transfer market.
  • A Wakefield Council spokeswoman said it shared the frustrations of landowners but it was powerless to act.