fetish - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of fetish in Hindi


  • बुत
  • जड़पूजा
  • जड़वस्तु
  • दैवी
  • अंधश्रद्धा

fetish Definition


  • a form of sexual desire in which gratification is linked to an abnormal degree to a particular object, item of clothing, part of the body, etc.
  • an inanimate object worshiped for its supposed magical powers or because it is considered to be inhabited by a spirit.

fetish Example

  • he had a fetish for writing more opinions each year than any other justice. ( किसी भी अन्य न्याय की तुलना में प्रत्येक वर्ष अधिक राय लिखने के लिए उन्हें एक बुत था। )
  • She told stories about the band's alcoholic binges, their arrests on drug charges, and even about one member's foot fetish. ( उसने बैंड के मादक द्रव्यों के सेवन, नशीली दवाओं के आरोप में उनकी गिरफ्तारी और यहां तक ​​कि एक सदस्य के फुट फेटिश के बारे में कहानियां सुनाईं। )
  • He took the name Lens Larque, after the lanslarke, an indigenous creature and the fetish of the Bugold clan. ( उन्होंने लैंसलार्क, एक स्वदेशी प्राणी और बुगोल्ड कबीले के बुत के नाम पर लेंस लार्क नाम लिया। )
  • He wore a fetish to ward off evil spirits.  ( उन्होंने बुरी आत्माओं को दूर भगाने के लिए एक बुत पहना था। )
  • He was the god of sin and misery and had a fetish for the obsidian knife. ( वह पाप और दुख के देवता थे और उनके पास ओब्सीडियन चाकू के लिए एक बुत था। )
  • Totem worship is the premise for worshiping Nature, while fetish is the media language from totem worship to nature worship. ( कुलदेवता पूजा प्रकृति की पूजा का आधार है, जबकि बुत कुलदेवता पूजा से प्रकृति पूजा तक मीडिया की भाषा है। )
  • If this is reality for them, their curing physician has a huge Ancient Egypt fetish that’s gotten out of hand. ( यदि यह उनके लिए वास्तविकता है, तो उनके इलाज करने वाले चिकित्सक के पास एक विशाल प्राचीन मिस्र का बुत है जो हाथ से निकल गया है। )

More Sentence

  • Privatizing governmental functions, while generally an admirable idea, can become an unreflective and absurd fetish, if the alternative of abolition is neglected.
  • Not a performance review or a trip to the dentist (unless that’s your fetish).
  • The Prime Minister, who seems to make a fetish of showing that power is not incompatible with panache, is a Stones fan.
  • Even though there is a wealth of genres and mind-boggling fetish products available from Japan, the cultures actually share a quite narrow-minded patriarchal view on sexual pleasure.
  • Those kooky designers are feeding our toast fetish again this morning, and this time it's Toasty, a design concept for a cassette deck-style toaster.
  • Is it necessary to reeducate the aged to break with fetish?
  • Not a performance review or a trip to the dentist (unless that’s your fetish).
  • In fact, isn't the irony of this that the cult of life is elevating its gloriole in a society whose cultural output makes a fetish of death?
  • She has a fetish in regards of being seen only wearing either her PE uniform or the school bathing suit.
  • Sexuality stalls at the fetish, and though Joyce loves to be high-flown as well as low-minded, the parody can seem gleeful, while the smallness of his interest disconcerts.
  • Drudge has covered this hurricane with such passion and fervor, I'm thinking the guy has a bit of a fetish.
  • He has this fetish and he is constantly eating my homework.
  • There’s one guy who has a uvula fetish, the little dangling thing in your throat.
  • He has a fetish for/about high heels.
  • I suppose I should be thankful for the chance to make a fetish out of aging and avoirdupois.
  • He has no fetish for stiletto heels and stocking tops, and there are no women dressed only in basques.
  • And he concludes with a wry elegy for the typewriter, a machine that has become, along with the movie projector and the turntable, a fetish and an emblem of superannuated modernity.
  • Your girlfriend may not be aware that she has a fetish, but odaxelagnia is a documented paraphilia that was written about in the Kama Sutra.
  • But you may want to look into some long-term solution that doesn't revolve around an external fetish object such as a crystal or talisman.