cruelty - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of cruelty in Hindi

  • क्रूरता
  • निर्दयता
  • बेदर्दी
  • नृशंसता
  • निष्ठुरता
  • निष्ठुरता

cruelty Definition


  • callous indifference to or pleasure in causing pain and suffering.

cruelty Example

  • we can't stand cruelty to animals ( हम जानवरों के प्रति क्रूरता बर्दाश्त नहीं कर सकते )
  • He remembered his cruelty from the night and glanced at the couch. ( उसे रात से ही अपनी क्रूरता याद आई और उसने सोफे की ओर देखा। )
  • His memory was long regarded in Saxony with great abhorrence, and stories of cruelty and treachery gathered round his name. ( उनकी स्मृति को सैक्सोनी में बहुत घृणा के साथ माना जाता था, और उनके नाम पर क्रूरता और विश्वासघात की कहानियां इकट्ठी हुईं। )
  • Extreme cruelty, without mercy, was meted out. ( दया के बिना अत्यधिक क्रूरता का सामना किया गया। )

More Sentence

  • The cruelty performed under multi-headed beast.
  • Welcome to the world with its cruelty unfurled.
  • As such, the invasion and cruelty of the early.
  • It was a terrible act of human-on-human cruelty.
  • Her cruelty to the other students was legendary.
  • She was stunned by his cruelty, and did not hear.
  • The habits of the military class are the absence of freedom, that is, discipline, idleness, ignorance, cruelty, debauchery, and drunkenness.
  • Crema yielded after an heroic siege in 1160, and was abandoned to the cruelty of its fierce rival Cremona.
  • It was a hunting-ground of the West Saxon kings, but, as already stated, was afforested by the Conqueror, whose cruelty in the matter is probably exaggerated by the traditional account.
  • He now understood for the first time all the cruelty of his rejection of her, the cruelty of his rupture with her
  • Nor is it just to accuse him of cruelty in his treatment of enemies.
  • In the French circle of Helene and Rumyantsev the reports of the cruelty of the enemy and of the war were contradicted and all Napoleon's attempts at conciliation were discussed.
  • Wife-beating and even more ignoble forms of marital cruelty are almost unknown.
  • That appalling tale of terror, despair, and cruelty cannot be told in all its horror.
  • Dicksie asked herself if this could be the man about whom floated so many accusations of coldness and cruelty and death.
  • Drink and cards are an obsession with some; cruelty is just as much a matter of obsession with others.
  • With their reputation for cruelty and hatred of white men it would be worse than useless to appeal to them.
  • The cruelty so systematically practised upon dogs by their half-breed drivers is utterly unwarrantable.
  • I have traced the growth of cruelty obsession in children one would not suspect of any great tendency to animalism.
  • He increased his bodyguard to Boo men, all Frenchmen, who behaved with the greatest licence and brutality; by his oppressive taxes, and his ferocious cruelty towards all who opposed him, and the unsatisfactory treaties he concluded with Pisa, he accumulated bitter hatred against his rule.
  • We have not only outlawed cruelty to animals, but increasingly, people care about the living conditions of even the animals they eat.
  • It is further evident that Desmoulins was already sympathizing, not only with the enthusiasm, but also with the fury and cruelty, of the Parisian crowds.
  • His cruelty, his utter want of scruple, and his good fortune made him a terror to all Italy.
  • He remembered the expression Dolokhov's face assumed in his moments of cruelty, as when tying the policeman to the bear and dropping them into the water, or when he
  • she divorced my stepfather for persistent cruelty
  • he has treated her with extreme cruelty