confidentially - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of confidentially in Hindi
- अत्यंत गुप्त में
confidentially Definition
- in a way that is intended to be private or secret; privately.
confidentially Example
- all queries will be treated confidentially ( सभी प्रश्नों को गोपनीय रूप से माना जाएगा )
- "They're frightened," he said confidentially in a hoarse voice. ( "वे भयभीत हैं," उन्होंने कर्कश स्वर में गोपनीय रूप से कहा। )
- No one was more frequently and confidentially consulted by Calvin. ( केल्विन द्वारा किसी से अधिक बार और गोपनीय रूप से परामर्श नहीं किया गया था। )
- On the 7th of December he wrote confidentially to the sovereigns whose representatives had signed the treaty of Paris, suggesting that the future of Rumania should be regulated by a European congress. ( 7 दिसंबर को उन्होंने संप्रभु लोगों को गोपनीय रूप से लिखा था जिनके प्रतिनिधियों ने पेरिस की संधि पर हस्ताक्षर किए थे, यह सुझाव देते हुए कि रूमानिया के भविष्य को यूरोपीय कांग्रेस द्वारा विनियमित किया जाना चाहिए। )
- The information that you provide will be handled confidentially and will be accessible by our research staff only and will not be released to other party. ( आपके द्वारा प्रदान की जाने वाली जानकारी को गोपनीय रूप से संभाला जाएगा और यह केवल हमारे शोध कर्मचारियों द्वारा सुलभ होगी और अन्य पार्टी को जारी नहीं की जाएगी। )
More Sentence
- He confidentially authorized me to act for him while he was abroad.
- A doctor or nurse practitioner or someone at a local health or family planning clinic can offer you advice —confidentially if necessary.
- The answer is sent confidentially in a plain, brown wrapper.
- He said the president had every right to receive advice confidentially.
- But what good is a lawyer unless you can talk confidentially?
- Somebody told me that confidentially when I was arrested in 1990.
- Does one really generally expect that such information is kept confidentially?
- But he whispered confidentially that some prostitution takes place there.
- Confidentially, I always suspected Lord Henry of having a weak chin.
- GE Americom filed its cost and revenue assumptions confidentially at the agency.
- SAG emphasized that applications for help will be treated confidentially.
- Any report will be treated confidentially and action will have no link to the individual reporting.
- Nash hadn’t raised his voice, still spoke rather softly, confidentially.
- People can phone in the knowledge that any information they give will be treated confidentially.
- You wouldn’t expect much speed out of it, but then you could confidentially run it over any terrain without adverse effect.
- Many commercial applications require that the client and server be able to authenticate each other and exchange data confidentially.
- The page came and sat on the bench beside him and spread his arms confidentially across the table, leaning close.
- A: Is there a chance you could contact the client confidentially and see what they think?
- "To tell you the truth, between ourselves, God only knows what state our left flank is in," said Boris confidentially lowering his voice.
- I respectfully request that any further discussion be handled confidentially via email.
- The Board's written opinion is delivered confidentially to the player.
- Lorimer's Gazetteer of the Persian Gulf, published confidentially by the Government of India in 1908.
- He said confidentially, I don’t never try to kid a smart hombre.
- Confidentially, the Old Man could get that star he deserves from this.
- Do you have room in your car? asked the Australian confidentially.
- However, provided this is dealt with confidentially and the reasons are.
- Tom took him to a private place and opened the matter to him confidentially.
- As he had done on their first meeting at Kochubey's, Speranski produced a strong impression on Prince Andrew on the Wednesday, when he received him tête-à -tête at his own house and talked to him long and confidentially.
- Such a note was sent, for instance, by the plenipotentiaries of the allied powers at the conference of Poros, on the 8th of December 1828, to Capo d'Istria, the Greek president, to instruct him confidentially as to the results of their deliberations.
- Sure, those are things to be concerned about, but with all the security options available, you can shop confidentially without worry.
- You can rarely avoid hearing confidentially from one of them her story, the eternal story of love betrayed.
- I wrote to him at least twice a year, for in that voyage we became even confidentially intimate; but he never wrote to me.
- For some reason I found myself talking very confidentially to him, and we seemed to have known each other a long time.
- She ceased to play and talk confidentially with Tittens, and felt herself growing into a woman fast.
- The two chatted confidentially together, forgetful of all else, while mama, between them, nodded sleepily in her seat.
- By the remotest window the two halted, standing confidentially close, the girl looking up at the man, the man looking down at the girl.
- If they have a particular problem that needs to be addressed, it can be dealt with quickly and confidentially, without having to wait for other people and their problems to be addressed.