basis - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of basis in Hindi
- आधार
- बुनियाद
- मूल
- मौलिकता
- उसूल
- मूलतत्त्व
- नींव
basis Definition
- the underlying support or foundation for an idea, argument, or process. ( किसी विचार, तर्क या प्रक्रिया के लिए अंतर्निहित समर्थन या नींव। )
basis Example
- That was on the basis that all other arguments for the grant of the injunction had failed. ( यह इस आधार पर था कि निषेधाज्ञा के अनुदान के लिए अन्य सभी तर्क विफल हो गए थे। )
- No authority was put before him, and on that basis he found the argument without substance. ( उसके सामने कोई अधिकार नहीं रखा गया था, और इस आधार पर उसने बिना किसी पदार्थ के तर्क पाया। )
- Sensations cause some beliefs and in this sense are the basis or ground of those beliefs. ( संवेदनाएँ कुछ विश्वासों का कारण बनती हैं और इस अर्थ में उन मान्यताओं का आधार या आधार हैं। )
- There is no doubt that loyalism attracted a fair degree of support on this basis . ( इसमें कोई संदेह नहीं है कि इस आधार पर वफादारी ने समर्थन की एक उचित डिग्री को आकर्षित किया। )
- On the basis of that permission there is no justification for any further dwellings. ( उस अनुमति के आधार पर आगे के आवासों का कोई औचित्य नहीं है। )
- It's an old story and probably the basis of the plot for a forthcoming movie. ( यह एक पुरानी कहानी है और शायद आगामी फिल्म के लिए कथानक का आधार है। )
- They also require evidence that these checks are carried out on a regular basis by staff at the home. ( उन्हें इस बात का भी सबूत चाहिए कि ये चेक घर पर कर्मचारियों द्वारा नियमित रूप से किए जाते हैं। )
- Visit your dentist or hygienist to have your teeth scaled and polished on a regular basis . ( नियमित रूप से अपने दांतों को छोटा और पॉलिश करने के लिए अपने दंत चिकित्सक या हाइजीनिस्ट पर जाएँ। )
More Sentence
- It's about time this issue was discussed rationally on the basis of the facts.
- on the basis of these statistics important decisions are made
- The second is that programmes can only be justified on the basis of how many people watch them.
- If he cannot be relied on as an impartial expert witness on the basis of his professional stature then no one can.
- He attempted to use the support of the navy to lay the basis of an armed force under his own command.
- As a matter of fact, it is not possible to justify this attack on the basis of international law.
- What it really comes down to is individual judgment, a fact that is underlined for me on an annual basis .
- We have to take this decision on a rational basis , not in a climate of fear.
- He was arguing for a return to the clubs as the basis for building a strong foundation for the game in Scotland.
- Second, for each form of treatment, attempt to specify the basis or bases for which it is deserved.
- The council supports the scheme on the basis it will help to meet a housing shortage in the district.
- Although my husband is a lieutenant in a support unit I fear for his life on a daily basis .
- Ideas which saw the internet not just as the basis for a new market sector, but a whole new economy.
- We try to figure out what is so, reasoning on the basis of what we already know.
- she needed coaching on a regular basis
- Second, lump sum payments are worked out on the basis of an assumed life expectancy.
- The process is widely used throughout Europe, and its basis is set out in many manuals.
- The force of that argument depends upon the basis upon which the measure of damages is arrived at.
- What he said had a basis of fact, as was underlined when he was soon eliminated.
- It is time for Labour in Scotland to remake the argument for the Union on a modern basis .
- This second possibility was the basis on which the judge awarded her damages.
- In my judgment the decision can be supported on the same basis .