amoral - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of amoral in Hindi

  • नीतिहीन
  • नीतिभ्रष्ट
  • नैतिकता-निरपेक्ष
  • नीतिबाह्य
  • निर्नैतिक

amoral Definition

  • lacking a moral sense; unconcerned with the rightness or wrongness of something. ( एक नैतिक भावना की कमी; किसी चीज के सही होने या गलत होने के संबंध में असंबद्ध। )

amoral Example

  • They are amoral whereas we have a choice to be moral or immoral. ( वे नैतिक हैं जबकि हमारे पास नैतिक या अनैतिक होने का विकल्प है। )
  • It's taken a very amoral stand, in that essential issues are often portrayed as simply one side says this and the other side says that. ( यह एक बहुत ही महत्वपूर्ण दृष्टिकोण है, इसमें आवश्यक मुद्दों को अक्सर चित्रित किया जाता है क्योंकि एक पक्ष यह कहता है और दूसरा पक्ष कहता है। )
  • She seems to be drawn to these amoral roles; indeed, it's hard to imagine her playing someone warm or empathic. ( वह इन अमोरियल भूमिकाओं के लिए तैयार लगती है; वास्तव में, यह कल्पना करना कठिन है कि कोई गर्म या मैथैटिक खेल रहा है। )
  • The television can woo the young with superficial lifestyles, the internet can unload any kind of amoral slurry into their heads. ( टेलीविजन युवाओं को सतही जीवन शैली से लुभा सकता है, इंटरनेट उनके सिर में किसी भी तरह के अमोरल घोल को उतार सकता है। )

More Sentence

  • Labour weren't elected because they exemplified these contemporary moral - or amoral - values.
  • The majority of educated Americans believe that nature is the amoral scene of Darwinian struggle.
  • I wonder if, in our efforts to make our society so moral, we have, in a way, become more amoral .
  • It makes for delightfully entertaining reading, in a sort of surreal and amoral sort of way.
  • She has been exposed as an amoral , unfeeling, self-serving, despicably conscience-less human being.
  • Bored, amoral and approaching middle age he has given up on life.
  • An amoral society may have its advantages, but a fertile field for literary greatness is not one of them.
  • Being right doesn't make you any less of an amoral bully.
  • Who will follow their conscience when it conflicts with the demands of an amoral authority?
  • Widespread as it may be, it is nevertheless a way of thinking that is profoundly amoral , unethical and indeed barbaric.
  • It's a gritty, violent, amoral action thriller with plenty of twists and some surprisingly funny moments.
  • But I find it hard to get indignant about an amoral , egomaniacal novelist refusing to save the lives of two brutal killers.
  • Maybe the trouble is that I went to one of those amoral left-wing universities on the east coast.
  • Many think of companies as amoral , profit-hungry beasts that will do anything to promote their own selfish interests.
  • Ray is the sort of amoral lech we could never believe we'd ever fall for, right up until we're walking through the bedroom doors.
  • They may well be venal, amoral egomaniacs, but the one thing you can pretty much guarantee is that they will be sharp-tongued.
  • Immorality or amorality in such a system has potential consequences that reach far beyond the well being of the individual's soul.
  • Another is to retreat into various shades of nihilism, cynicism or amoralism , gazing blankly at a world of stone.
  • Violence, profanity, and amorality all have their place in a story, if these qualities are observed or reported truths.
  • Its background details - office meetings, package holidays - seemed as significant as the shuffle between lust and love, amorality and a search for meaning: the proximity of banality to tragedy or redemption.
  • Older conservatives, informed by the just-war tradition and more sensitive to the idea of absolute moral standards than to the amoralism of Machiavelli, were capable of rendering critical judgments on their own governments.
  • Many cognitivists have not found this a persuasive characterization of all amoralists .
  • Traditionalists tolerate a certain amount of amoralism in the market because they see the market as an important disciplining institution - a valuable tool of social order.
  • If you think atheists are all miserable, nihilistic amoralists , this book should put you straight.
  • At times, when he is demonstrating the realpolitik of court life, it seems that he is giving ‘courses of instruction in political amoralism .’
  • If morality were to require this of us, then we should, and would, be amoralists .