amicable - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of amicable in Hindi

  • मैत्रीपूर्ण
  • मित्रतापूर्ण
  • दोस्ताना
  • परस्पर-संगत
  • स्नेहशील
  • शांतिशील

amicable Definition

  • (of relations between people) having a spirit of friendliness; without serious disagreement or rancor. ( (लोगों के बीच संबंध) मित्रता की भावना रखने वाला; गंभीर असहमति या विद्वेष के बिना। )

amicable Example

  • The conversation was amicable , as befitted a meeting between two old friends. ( यह बातचीत सौहार्दपूर्ण थी, क्योंकि दो पुराने दोस्तों के बीच मुलाकात हुई। )
  • Normally, this is one of the quieter, friendlier, more amicable sessions of the week. ( सामान्य रूप से, यह सप्ताह के शांत, मित्रवत, अधिक सौहार्दपूर्ण सत्रों में से एक है। )
  • Although traffic wardens are not known for being popular, friends said Milroy was an easygoing, amicable character. ( हालांकि ट्रैफिक वार्डन लोकप्रिय होने के लिए नहीं जाने जाते हैं, दोस्तों ने कहा कि मिलरॉय एक सहज, सौहार्दपूर्ण चरित्र था। )
  • Robson is an amicable bloke with a marvellous CV and his bitterness at being shown the door was as obvious as it was understandable. ( रॉबसन एक अद्भुत सीवी के साथ एक सौहार्दपूर्ण खिलखिलाहट है और दरवाजा दिखाए जाने पर उसकी कड़वाहट उतनी ही स्पष्ट थी जितनी कि यह समझने योग्य थी। )

More Sentence

  • Once Mr Ahern had clarified the position, the conversation was amicable .
  • A swift and amicable settlement to this dispute is needed now.
  • The event was a particularly amicable one and the result for Europeans, especially the Scots, could not have been better.
  • Two decades on, Mesnel is a millionaire, albeit a very polite and amicable one, and without, it seems, a single element of ego.
  • We're still really good friends and it's all very amicable , but it just wasn't working and hadn't done so for quite some time.
  • He recently admitted the trio regularly congratulate themselves on having such an amicable relationship.
  • It was amicable and did not last long - little more than an hour.
  • The disputed area can also be discussed after some time and an amicable settlement may be given to the court for its verdict.
  • They then moved to India and Pakistan where they formed an amicable relationship with the British.
  • It may be still some time before an amicable solution is arrived at.
  • They have not been in court before now for custody of the child and had reached an amicable arrangement over visiting rights.
  • Though we believe we have a chance of remaining independent, we have to work together and would like to have an amicable relationship.
  • Spokespersons for the pair say it's an amicable split and that the two remain friends.
  • He urged the youths from both sides to forget the bitter past and create an amicable environment for everyone to live in peace.
  • And it is the sort of amicable relationship which the company has long been known for.
  • But, at least in the beginning, relations between the neighboring states were largely amicable .
  • We have given them the chance to sort it out amicably but they don't want to know.
  • I really believe that it is better for couples to separate as amicably as possible and give their children a chance to grow up without daily misery and acrimony.
  • They used a more complex set of criteria to estimate the relative amicability or animosity of the 17 nations that were involved, and found that two stable configurations emerged.
  • Any additional contractual and legal issues that arise in the partnership scenario will depend very much on the degree of amicability involved in what is essentially a split.
  • His characteristic amicability often lulled opponents into a false sense of ease.
  • Giving evidence against him, Miss Launder claimed that their relationship broke up amicably in November 1997.
  • The other was a social call, where Becket was received amicably .
  • Participants in this contest are judged on the basis of their knowledge of cocktail making and their bartending skills such as amicability , attention to customers, presentation techniques and a sample of the cocktail prepared.
  • The fact that I managed to conduct myself amicably with customers and staff alike is also pleasing.
  • ‘I believe it would be a profound mistake to cast off the experience of the past or to allow our current amicability to relieve us of the need to consider less sunny possibilities,’ he said.