egomaniac - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of egomaniac in Hindi

  • अहंकारी

egomaniac Definition


  • a person who is obsessively egotistical or self-centered.

egomaniac Example

  • he is a raving egomaniac ( वह एक पागल अहंकारी है )
  • The egomaniac was so determined to get to his destination that he ran several cars off the road. ( अहंकारी अपने गंतव्य तक पहुंचने के लिए इतना दृढ़ था कि उसने कई कारों को सड़क से हटा दिया। ) 
  • Two humorless and often petty egomaniacs intransigently reiterated their familiar positions. ( दो हास्यहीन और अक्सर क्षुद्र अहंकारियों ने अपनी परिचित स्थितियों को अकर्मण्यता से दोहराया। )
  • Another pleaded, " Stop glorifying these egomaniacs ." ( एक अन्य ने निवेदन किया, "इन अहंकारी लोगों का महिमामंडन करना बंद करो।" )

More Sentence

  • "egomaniac " and " fool ."
  • He further accused them of being egomaniacs and " cultists ".
  • Domitian is shown to be a braggart and a cruel egomaniac.
  • Tom is a blustering egomaniac, a parody of the devoted artist.
  • It's about his transformation from reviled egomaniac to beloved teammate.
  • "That guy is an egomaniac, " he said.
  • Mirrors were hung in every room so that egomaniac could primp and admire himself.  
  • He was too much of an egomaniac to ever admit that he had flaws.
  • Boras is an egomaniac; he probably recognized the amoral character of Matai early on and has molded and used him over the years.
  • Scaliger, a confirmed egomaniac, had an opinion about everything, and whatever the opinion was, he was sure to share it with as large an audience as he could find.
  • The root of modern Western civilization is a cold intellectual insanity and an intellectual stupidity because its father was an intellectually insane and stupid egomaniac.
  • The actress had to admit to herself that she liked them, they were hard not to like, but Byron? On first meeting him she was taken by his shyness, he was not the jumped up egomaniac that she had conditioned herself to expect from everybody else in this town of tinsel.
  • Nancy had not been very tender about her opinion of Douglas MacArthur, describing him as a grandstanding egomaniac who rarely listened to the opinions from others around him.
  • The egomaniac could never accept that his coworker had an idea better than his own.  
  • A bloodthirsty egomaniac, the general did not care how many lives were lost in his quest for fame.