breastplate - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of breastplate in Hindi

  • छाती
  • सीना

breastplate Definition

  • a piece of armor covering the chest. ( छाती को ढँकने वाला कवच का एक टुकड़ा। )
  • in ancient times, a jeweled vestment covering the chest of the Jewish high priest. ( प्राचीन काल में, यहूदी महायाजक की छाती को ढंकने वाला एक आभूषण था। )
  • a set of straps attached to the front of a saddle, which pass across the horse's chest and prevent the saddle from slipping backward. ( एक काठी के सामने जुड़ी पट्टियों का एक सेट, जो घोड़े की छाती के पार जाता है और काठी को पीछे की ओर खिसकने से रोकता है। )

breastplate Example

  • Her accent is horrible, when she talks, it sounds like she's got a reverb pedal hidden somewhere under her smelted breastplate . ( उसका लहज़ा भयानक है, जब वह बात करती है, तो ऐसा लगता है कि वह एक सुगंधित पेडल है जो उसके स्मेल्टेड ब्रेस्टप्लेट के नीचे कहीं छिपा हुआ है। )
  • When they wanted to know whether they should go to war, God answered through the breastplate . ( जब उन्होंने यह जानना चाहा कि क्या उन्हें युद्ध में जाना चाहिए, तो भगवान ने उत्तर दिया कि यह स्तनपायी है। )
  • The arrow flew through the air, quivering, and struck the leader in the chink between his bracers and breastplate . ( तीर हवा में उड़ गया, तरस रहा था, और अपने दिमाग और ब्रेस्टप्लेट के बीच में नेता को चिंकारा मारा। )
  • Somehow this breastplate had the special capacity to help him in rendering important judicial decisions. ( किसी तरह इस ब्रेस्टप्लेट में महत्वपूर्ण न्यायिक निर्णय देने में उसकी मदद करने की विशेष क्षमता थी। )
  • She'd stripped away almost all her Rim armour, down to the breastplate and chamois breeches. ( वह लगभग सभी उसकी रिम कवच, ब्रेस्टप्लेट और चामो के ब्रीच से नीचे उतार देती थी। )
  • He noticed a peculiar weight on his chest and looked down to see a breastplate forged from bone. ( उन्होंने अपने सीने पर एक अजीबोगरीब वजन देखा और हड्डी से जाली ब्रेस्टप्लेट देखा। )

More Sentence

  • The hoplite was protected by a helmet, a shield, and a breastplate , with leg protection in the form of greaves.
  • On each breastplate was an insignia, a raised image of a dragon wrapped around a knife.
  • He wore a breastplate and leg armour, as well as the expensive, linen drapery around his body.
  • The man quickly grabbed his arms and the woman stripped his armour breastplate away.
  • She placed it down beside her to see long thick arm pieces made from the same black material as the breastplate .
  • The jewelry includes earrings, necklaces, armbands and a breastplate .
  • Your breastplate is in the shape of a spread-winged eagle, with bright yellow gems for its eyes.
  • Odd shaped horses may require a breastplate to help the saddle stay in place.
  • This breastplate is designed to keep the saddle from sliding backwards while allowing the horse freedom of movement.
  • They've found three pieces so far, a breastplate , a greave, and a belt.
  • On a couple of hooks in a hall of some sort hung the armor, breastplate and shoulder-pads joined together already.
  • She pulled out the breastplate and the arm piece and placed it on the bed and next to the trunk.
  • Before he even landed, an invisible force slammed into his stomach and several pieces of metal shattered from his breastplate !
  • He suddenly realized that the breastplate had been removed and the bottom layer of his armor had been unzipped.
  • She put her shoulder plates, breastplate , and belt in the bag.
  • Rear cinch and breastplate are considered required for safety reasons.
  • Verdana concealed a smile, and crashed her mailed fist on the burnished breastplate of her armour.
  • The soldier wore helmet, breastplate , and shin guards; protection also came from a shield.
  • The High Priest's wearing of the breastplate atoned for the Courts mistakes in judgment.
  • A thick leather and metal breastplate rested over his white-patterned dark blue yukata.
  • We see Penelope waking up alone in a bed filled with discarded gauntlets, greaves and breastplates .
  • Vests and T-shirts bear prints of Japanese armour breastplates embellished with coloured jewels.
  • He used tooled leather and real copper breastplates , contributing to a new tradition of metalwork.
  • We've each made our own masks, breastplates , cloaks and ancestral images.