draught - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of draught in Hindi


  • मसौदा
  • प्रारूप
  • पान
  • ढांचा
  • घूंट
  • मसविदा
  • झोंका
  • प्रालेख
  • हुंडी
  • खिंचाव
  • पीने की क्रिया
  • ड्राफ्ट
  • मसौदा बनाना
  • प्रारूप बनाना
  • कर्षण
  • भारवहन


  • प्रारूप तैयार करना
  • ढांचा तैयार करना
  • चित्र खींचना
  • ढांचा बनाना
  • ड्राफ़्ट करना
  • नक़्शा करना
  • ख़ाका बनाना
  • ख़ाका तैयार करना

draught Definition


  •  a preliminary version of a piece of writing.
  • British spelling of draft (sense 3 of the noun, sense 4 of the noun, sense 6 of the noun, sense 7 of the noun).
  • a current of cool air in a room or other confined space.
  • the action or act of pulling something along, especially a vehicle or farm implement.
  • a written order to pay a specified sum; a check.
  • a single act of drinking or inhaling.
  • the depth of water needed to float a ship.
  • the drawing in of a fishing net.


  • British spelling of draft (adjective).
  • denoting beer or other drink that is kept in and served from a barrel or tank rather than from a bottle or can.
  • denoting an animal used for pulling heavy loads.


  • prepare a preliminary version of (a document).
  • select (a person or group of people) and bring them somewhere for a certain purpose.
  • benefit from reduced wind resistance by driving very closely behind another vehicle.
  • pull or draw.

draught Example

  • The old mansion was beautiful in architectural design, but the owners experienced discomfort due to the creaks and a cool draught felt in each room.  ( पुरानी हवेली स्थापत्य डिजाइन में सुंदर थी, लेकिन क्रेक्स और प्रत्येक कमरे में एक शांत ड्राफ्ट के कारण मालिकों को असुविधा का अनुभव हुआ। )
  • Karen had to seal the window shut because of a constant draught causing an expensive heating bill.   ( एक महंगे हीटिंग बिल के कारण लगातार ड्राफ्ट के कारण करेन को खिड़की बंद करनी पड़ी। )
  • Due to the inch of space under the door, a small draught made the sauna room seem ineffective. ( दरवाजे के नीचे एक इंच जगह होने के कारण, एक छोटे से मसौदे ने सौना कक्ष को अप्रभावी बना दिया। )
  • I was sitting in a draught.  ( मैं एक मसौदे में बैठा था। )

More Sentence

  • Mick took a long draught of lager.
  • She shivered in the icy draught.
  • Shut the door there's a howling draught in here!
  • He took a deep draught of his beer.
  • This beer is not available on draught .
  • They drink bitter on draught in the local bar.
  • As the train began to move a pleasant draught cooled us all down.
  • He took a deep draught of air into his lungs.
  • That draught where all things sweet and bitter meet—.
  • Zac took a long draught of scotch straight from the bottle.
  • Eaten after that draught the stale bread and dried fruit.
  • Draught in an otherwise-empty six-pack lay on the back seat.
  • Presently a steady little draught of air caressed his cheek.
  • We clinked glasses, said cheers, and both took in a good draught.
  • You remember that you did not take your usual draught that night.
  • When you go out close the door, for there is a decided draught.