ball - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of ball in Hindi

  • गेंद
  • गोला
  • गोल
  • गोलक
  • नृत्यसभा
  • सामाजिक नृत्यविशेष
  • बॉल
  • लच्छे में जाना

ball Definition


  • a formal social gathering for dancing. ( नृत्य के लिए एक औपचारिक सामाजिक सभा। )
  • a solid or hollow sphere or ovoid, especially one that is kicked, thrown, or hit in a game. ( एक ठोस या खोखला गोला या अंडाकार, विशेष रूप से एक जो एक खेल में मारा, फेंका या मारा जाता है। )
  • a pitch delivered outside the strike zone that the batter does not attempt to hit. ( स्ट्राइक ज़ोन के बाहर एक ऐसी पिच दी गई जिसे बल्लेबाज़ हिट करने की कोशिश नहीं करता। )
  • the rounded protuberant part of the foot at the base of the big toe. ( बड़े पैर की अंगुली के आधार पर पैर के गोल हिस्सेदार। )
  • testicles. ( अंडकोष। )


  • squeeze or form (something) into a rounded shape. ( निचोड़ या रूप (कुछ) गोल आकार में। )
  • have sexual intercourse with. ( संभोग करें )


  • used in various derogatory terms as an intensifier. ( एक गहन के रूप में विभिन्न अपमानजनक शब्दों में उपयोग किया जाता है। )

ball Example

  • he ignored it completely, and the umpire called it a ball ( उन्होंने इसे पूरी तरह से नजरअंदाज कर दिया और अंपायर ने इसे एक गेंद करार दिया )
  • He watched as his mother emerged from her room, dressed in her ball gown and sparkling in rubies. ( उन्होंने देखा कि उनकी माँ अपने कमरे से निकली थीं, उनके बॉल गाउन के कपड़े पहने और माणिक में चमक आ रही थी। )
  • the umpire called it a ball ( अंपायर ने इसे एक गेंद करार दिया )
  • I really thought my days of pro ball would end and I'd be on the first train back East the next morning. ( मुझे सच में लगा कि मेरे प्रो बॉल के दिन खत्म हो जाएंगे और मैं अगली सुबह ईस्ट की पहली ट्रेन में वापस आ जाऊंगा। )
  • The ball cannoned off the keeper on to the post before spinning agonisingly over the line. ( गेंद को लाइन पर तड़पाने से पहले चौकी पर रख दिया गया। )
  • He threw the ball wide to leave their number 12 free to score under the post. ( उन्होंने पोस्ट के नीचे स्कोर करने के लिए अपनी संख्या 12 को छोड़ने के लिए गेंद को वाइड फेंका। )

More Sentence

  • After all, you don't miss your debutante ball , especially when your family is hosting it.
  • It's not a developing human being but just a microscopic ball of cells that we can use.
  • An invitation to a formal dance or ball is the perfect excuse to indulge in your fairytale fantasies.
  • Armed with a long ash sapling, a ball of cord, a baited hook, a box of worms and a cork I arrived on schedule.
  • He pounced on a loose ball to and passed to Duff who fed it through to Hasselbaink inside the penalty area.
  • He challenged his brother to a game of ball .
  • He tried to dribble the ball , soccer style, around the goalie.
  • The girls planned their ball gowns for weeks ahead and the talk was about boys from a nearby Catholic school.
  • In those days we were just a bunch of street kids playing cricket with a tennis ball and practising drop kicks over the telephone wires.
  • Coaches end up teaching the teens how to kick a soccer ball , leap hurdles or swing a bat.
  • Shoot hoops or kick a soccer ball around in the yard with your children as often as you can.
  • A ball of plutonium is surrounded with explosives, all of which detonate at precisely the same moment and with exactly the same power.
  • She thought wistfully of the elegant ball gown that had been made just for tonight.
  • Every year pro ball bears less and less resemblance to the game collegians and kids play.
  • Then they chew the fibrous fruit into a ball of pulp and spend ages sucking out the goodness.
  • The big ball of black smoke rising into the sky are pretty definite signs something has gone wrong.
  • It burst and there was a grey ball of smoke high up above the plaza.
  • I have to say I admire his ball s.
  • young men would graduate from college and enter pro ball
  • Remove from heat and quickly beat in all the flour, stirring with a wooden spoon until it forms a solid ball .
  • It was long and gauzy; it felt like something that should be worn to a masquerade ball , or a prom.
  • When we returned to Bristol they'd want to throw a baseball with the big gloves and everything rather than a cricket ball .
  • To the surprise of even his own countrymen, he preferred to play winter ball .
  • As a child, I studied a little, did a bit of mischief and played a lot of cricket with a tennis ball .