cluck - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of cluck in Hindi
- कुड़कुड़ाना
cluck Definition
- (of a hen) make a short, guttural sound.
- the characteristic short, guttural sound made by a hen.
cluck Example
- Loretta gave a cluck of impatience. ( लोरेटा ने अधीरता का एक समूह दिया। )
- cluck like a hen, but she was kindly and one hundred per cent loyal to the entire family. ( मुर्गी की तरह चिपकी हुई, लेकिन वह दयालु थी और पूरे परिवार के लिए सौ फीसदी वफादार थी। )
- I do n't cluck my tongue because, frankly, the " 12 " rating does have problems. ( मैं अपनी जुबान पर नहीं चढ़ता क्योंकि, स्पष्ट रूप से, "12" रेटिंग में समस्याएं हैं। )
- Why must the cluck necessarily indicate "joy," and not, say, relief, or any number of other possible emotions? ( क्लॉक को आवश्यक रूप से "आनंद" का संकेत क्यों देना चाहिए और नहीं, कहना, राहत, या किसी भी अन्य संभावित भावनाओं की संख्या? )
- So, did he make you cluck like a chicken? ( तो, क्या उसने आपको मुर्गे की तरह मारा है? )
More Sentence
- You dumb cluck, why'd you tell him?
- I told you to ignore the clucks cluck.
- Edwin gasped, but it came out as a cluck.
- We're in a hurry so we can only have a quick cluck and grunt.
- Cluck cluck cluck, said the chicken.
- Why is there all this cluck about the colour of people's skins?
- He has several other calls as well, and can cluck, similar to the hen.
- I’ve never been one to cluck over babies of either sex. Loretta pushed her hair back from her face with a cluck of impatience.
- That made the young Duchess of Montpensier cluck.
- Was that last ‘cluck’ a word, or just a cluck?
- Before Edwin could emit a startled cluck, he was pulled backwards.
- The cash register started to cluck as he ran his stubby fingers over the numbers.
- That’s because cluck I’m talking cluck to you in cluck chicken, said the chicken.
- Loretta pushed her hair back from her face with a cluck of impatience.
- We’re in a hurry so we can only have a quick cluck and grunt.
- The public thrives on that type of gossip and loves to cluck their tongues at celebrities who fall to the pressures of daily living, proving they're no different than anyone else.