drangonflies - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of drangonflies in Hindi
- ड्रैगनफलीज़
drangonflies Definition
- an insect with a long thin body, often brightly coloured, and two pairs of large wings. Dragon flies often live near water
drangonflies Example
- Skylarks sing and dragonflies are plentiful too, including the black darter. ( स्काईलार्क गाते हैं और ड्रैगनफली भी भरपूर मात्रा में हैं, जिसमें ब्लैक डार्टर भी शामिल है। )
- The giant pied kingfisher was the first thrill, and umpteen bright green bee eaters swooping low into the river to snatch dragonflies. ( विशाल चितकबरा किंगफिशर पहला रोमांच था, और कई चमकीले हरे मधुमक्खी खाने वाले ड्रैगनफलीज़ को छीनने के लिए नदी में नीचे की ओर झपटते थे। )
- In summer dragonflies hawk over peaty pools which hold rare aquatic plants such as frogbit, fen pondweed and greater water-parsnip. ( गर्मियों में ड्रैगनफलीज़ पीट पूल पर मंडराते हैं, जिसमें दुर्लभ जलीय पौधे जैसे मेंढक, फेन पोंडवीड और अधिक पानी-पार्सनिप होते हैं। )
More Sentence
- Even the dragonflies on the shores seemed to be fascinated by it, rushing.
- I had seen huge dragonflies before — in drawings of the prehistoric Earth.
- Dragonflies and bees where also entertaining themselves as they flew by the.
- The boys explored the stream bed, unearthing the usual collection of may and caddis fly larvae, a couple of dragonflies, some bivalves and a few small shrimps.
- Three hundred million years ago there were dragonflies two-and-a-half feet long, and the reason was because there was more oxygen in the air back then—.
- At the edge of the carnival midway, stumping the grass with their dead feet, Jim and Will paced friends who constantly retold the wondrous uses of darning-needle dragonflies.
- The charming dragonflies would.
- Dragonflies were the main aerial predators.
- Dragonflies catching and eating the nasty biters.
- Dragonflies showed up and killed all but one of them.
- Collect adults and larvae of water beetles, mayflies, stoneflies, caddisflies, damselflies, dragonflies and the rest of the great variety of water insects, only from fresh water.
- Migrant hawker and black-tailed skimmer are two of the dragonflies commonly recorded and regularly seen butterflies include small copper, common blue and brimstone.