dragging - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of dragging in Hindi


  • खींचना
  • घसीटना
  • रगड़
  • घिसाव
  • adjective
  • बिसूरनेवाला
  • टीस उठनेवाला
  • शिकायत करनेवाला
  • कर्षण

dragging Definition


  • to pull somebody/something along with difficulty

dragging Example

  • I tire and slow, dragging my feed. ( मैं अपना फ़ीड खींचकर थक जाता हूं और धीमा हो जाता हूं। )
  • He enters slowly, dragging his feet. ( वह अपने पैरों को खींचकर धीरे-धीरे प्रवेश करता है। )
  • Secondly you might end up dragging. ( दूसरे आप अंत में खींच सकते हैं। )
  • I only knew that he was still dragging out his useless existence in some foreign land. ( मैं केवल इतना जानता था कि वह अभी भी किसी विदेशी भूमि में अपने बेकार अस्तित्व को खींच रहा था। )

More Sentence

  • Over the trestle came the great locomotive dragging a train of cars filled with passengers.
  • He snatched her around the waist and laughed, dragging her onto the bed with him.
  • She climbed the hill with dragging steps.
  • Dragging her mind kicking and screaming back from desire, she sighed.
  • Maybe you should stop dragging my kids into this mess!
  • Women with slim-shanked, whining, sticky-fingered children dragging after them.
  • At that moment his foot slipped, and he fell, dragging the side of the canoe down with him.
  • The fugitive went down, dragging with him his companion, who tugged desperately at the chain.
  • The thing was dragging at the water, slowing him down, causing the sub to shudder and lurch.
  • The pillow, in a cotton pillow-case, also much crumpled, was dragging on the floor.
  • The TV showed them dragging it out.
  • Bev said, You do a lot of dragging.
  • And then he comes dragging Scarlett, Mrs.
  • It was all dragging around on the floor.
  • With the day dragging past, the parent's.
  • I reckon that saucer is dragging us round.