dotted - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of dotted in Hindi


  • छितराया हुआ
  •  बिंदु लगाया हुआ
  • बिंदुओं से अंकित किया हुआ

dotted Definition


  • marked with or in the form of dots.
  • (of a note or rest) written with a dot after it to show that the time value is increased by half.

dotted Example

  • A geometric maze of dotted patterns ( बिंदीदार पैटर्न की एक ज्यामितीय भूलभुलैया )
  • The air was clear and dry, the sand dotted with small shrubs. ( हवा साफ और शुष्क थी, रेत छोटी-छोटी झाड़ियों के साथ बिखरी हुई थी। )
  • Dotted lines separated the boundaries of each of the kingdoms. ( बिंदीदार रेखाओं ने प्रत्येक राज्य की सीमाओं को अलग किया। )
  • All three are dotted with small islands, possibly the remains of some earlier lido. ( तीनों छोटे द्वीपों से युक्त हैं, संभवतः कुछ पहले के लिडो के अवशेष। )

More Sentence

  • A few sheep dotted the pasture behind the house.
  • It was dotted with white roses and bougainvillea.
  • Beads of perspiration dotted her forehead as she.
  • A dotted blue line linked the planet to the ship.
  • She was purely flesh and bone, huge sores dotted.
  • Pockets of woodland dotted the hills here and there.
  • America today, they would find the landscape dotted with prisons.
  • Every body of water is dotted with brightly colored lobster buoys.
  • A playland that just happens to be dotted with naked bodies.
  • Children's books always have been dotted with spunky girls.
  • Boese said, gesturing down the landing zone dotted with soldiers.
  • With your pencil start from your house and make a dotted line to show how you come to school.
  • On hillsides and plain are green vineyards and dark forests dotted with white farmhouses.
  • They are dotted with brown spots, like freckles upon the face of a fair-skinned girl.
  • Before us lay spread a vast open grassy plain, dotted here and there with troops of game.
  • The downs, where they faced the sea, were dotted with grassy barrows, air-swept and silent.
  • In five years he had fought his way down the Road, his line of march dotted with disabled rivals.
  • Is every T crossed and every I dotted in each file?
  • Windows are dotted with signs offering two months of free rent.
  • Seoul is a city of 10 million now dotted with skyscrapers.
  • Several hundred tepees dotted a field just outside a parking lot.
  • The ground is gray and arid and dotted with bleached bones.
  • Victorian houses and small cottages dotted the shore.
  • It is one of the tax havens dotted around the world.
  • If a position is taken when the dotted line is below 2.
  • If a position is taken when the dotted line is above 2.
  • Numerous flags were dotted out of windows in the city's.
  • The maxillopalatine plates (mxp) are dotted to show their spongy character.
  • The La Pampa territory also is dotted with small lakes.
  • A dotted background
  • A dotted quarter note