awe - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of awe in Hindi
- भय
- रोब
- श्रद्धायुक्त भय
- डर
- त्रास
- धाक
awe Definition
- a feeling of reverential respect mixed with fear or wonder. ( भय या आश्चर्य से मिश्रित श्रद्धा का भाव। )
- inspire with awe. ( विस्मय से प्रेरित। )
awe Example
- The Home Run Derby has already lost some of its awe and eventually these new games and contests would grow old and boring as well. ( होम रन डर्बी पहले ही अपनी कुछ खौफ खो चुकी है और अंततः ये नए खेल और प्रतियोगिता पुराने और उबाऊ हो जाएंगे। )
- I was in the Dolomites with, you know, huge, soaring mountains and the locals were in awe of some of the famous routes in Scotland. ( मैं डोलोमाइट्स में था, आप जानते हैं, विशाल, बढ़ते पहाड़ और स्थानीय लोग स्कॉटलैंड के कुछ प्रसिद्ध मार्गों से खौफ में थे। )
- My feelings of annoyance quickly faded away and were replaced with feelings of awe and respect. ( झुंझलाहट की मेरी भावनाओं को जल्दी से दूर हो गया और विस्मय और सम्मान की भावनाओं के साथ बदल दिया गया। )
- She wondered what it felt like to have that kind of passion and was in awe of their desire to get the job done. ( वह सोचती है कि ऐसा क्या महसूस होता है कि उस तरह का जुनून है और वह काम पाने की इच्छा में है। )
- They were in awe of Brazil - or at least in awe of the myth of Brazilian football. ( वे ब्राजील के खौफ में थे - या कम से कम ब्राजील के फुटबॉल के मिथक के खौफ में। )
- Winning the award, he says, is a measure of how far he's come since those days when he was in awe of the building and the people in it. ( पुरस्कार जीतते हुए, वे कहते हैं, इस बात का एक माप है कि वह उन दिनों से कितनी दूर आ गया है, जब वह इमारत की आहट में और उसमें मौजूद लोग थे। )
More Sentence
- his staff members are in awe of him
- Everyone was filled with awe , and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles.
- The ministry has lost its awe and power.
- I can only gaze with wonder and awe at the depths and heights of our psychic nature.
- is it any wonder that Christmas Eve has lost its awe?
- Solitude: the word brings forth both hope and expectation of joy, fear and awe .
- No doubt I was in awe of him, but in any case I didn't really get to connect with him as a person.
- All he said was how much he appreciated the comments and that he was in awe of being in the room with so many great players.
- The Metro has lost its awe , and I now feel like a true Muscovite as I monotonously ride the Metro without effort.
- the sight filled me with awe
- No doubt they were in awe of her wonderful creation, not that she could blame them.
- Yet he was in awe of the young soldiers, many of whom have suffered debilitating injuries.
- Dubai retains its awe for much of the area's people, offering the traveller a multitude of reasons to visit.
- Antarctica is indifferent to humans, but we humans are in awe of Antarctica.
- Maybe there were times when we were in awe of them for a short while before realising we were in those games with a chance of winning.
- Colin was in awe of the city and loved the view of the life he wished to live.
- they gazed in awe at the small mountain of diamonds
- For all his confidence, in a strange way he was in awe of some of the senior players and their experiences.
- Just maybe we can confront our place with awe and admiration, respect and veneration.
- I am thinking of awe , reverence, respect and emotions too deep for words.
- He was in awe of China and pleaded that if India should progress it should learn a lesson or two from the communist regime.
- How easy is it to lose yourself and what's important to you when you meet someone who impresses you, or someone who fills you with awe , or fear?
- When the sea of cars on the road screeched to a halt, it was only a few awed motorists holding everyone up.
- I was awed by it when it was a dump, and now that it's been buffed and spiffed it's even better.