dopey - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of dopey in Hindi
- सुस्त
- बासी
- सुस्त
- ठंडा
- निस्तेज
- मुरझाया हुआ
dopey Definition
- stupefied by sleep or a drug.
dopey Example
- Did you ever hear such dopey names? ( क्या आपने कभी ऐसे डोपी नाम सुने हैं? )
- Wed 17th Up with E, D comes down looking dopey. ( बुध 17 वें ऊपर ई के साथ, डी डोपी देख नीचे आता है। )
- We found a dog fish which was so dopey Anke could stroke him! ( हमें एक कुत्ते की मछली मिली जो इतनी नशे में थी कि अंके उसे स्ट्रोक कर सकता था! )
- Sloths are generally perceived as dopey, unintelligent animals, but the truth is they just move so slowly that we assume they’re equally dumb to match. ( आलसियों को आमतौर पर डोपी, नासमझ जानवरों के रूप में माना जाता है, लेकिन सच्चाई यह है कि वे इतनी धीमी गति से आगे बढ़ते हैं कि हम मान लेते हैं कि वे मेल खाने के लिए समान रूप से गूंगे हैं। )
More Sentence
- They're neither funny nor instructive for being so dopey.
- They'd rather do dopey little gift books ."
- I mumbled something dopey about baseball's joys of repetition.
- At least none of the quads will ever be called Dopey.
- "She's not picking dopey books,"
- It includes every dopey double-entendre it can think of.
- Sleepy, Happy, Sneezy, Grumpy, Dopey, Doc.
- These sequences are creepy, dopey and unconvincing all at once.
- Snow White finds out that Dopey possesses a huge virile member.
- She refuses, telling the Prince that Dopey is her lover.
- I don’t want to say that my little brother is dopey, but he did think it was a good idea to leap off of the roof of our two-story house.
- You can see a rather dopey looking me in the picture on the left... and indeed in most of the photos!
- It wraps up with a dopey, but nicely downbeat ending.
- She was under sedation and a bit dopey