contemporary - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of contemporary in Hindi
- समकालीन
- समसामयिक
- सामयिक
- समसामयिक
- निर्दिष्ट समय का
contemporary Definition
- living or occurring at the same time.
- belonging to or occurring in the present.
- a person or thing living or existing at the same time as another.
contemporary Example
- contemporary art ( समकालीन कला )
- We have no contemporary account of the battle . ( हमारे पास युद्ध का कोई समकालीन विवरण नहीं है। )
- A great contemporary elder, living in a cave in an isolated part of Mt. ( एक महान समकालीन बुजुर्ग, माउंट के एक अलग हिस्से में एक गुफा में रह रहे हैं। )
- Carl Jung, Freud’s famous contemporary, said that conscience was an. ( फ्रायड के प्रसिद्ध समकालीन कार्ल जंग ने कहा कि अंतरात्मा एक है। )
- A Guild spokesman said ‘Nobody in contemporary fiction can touch him. ( गिल्ड के एक प्रवक्ता ने कहा, 'समकालीन कथा साहित्य में कोई भी उन्हें छू नहीं सकता। )
More Sentence
- Maureen Stapleton was a contemporary of Marilyn’s at the Actors Studio.
- Translated soul only 14 times out of 870 times in the Contemporary English.
- Translated soul only 27 times out of 976 times in the Contemporary English.
- Many contemporary writers condemned the emperor's actions.
- He was contemporary with the dramatist Congreve.
- He rubbished most of the novels written by contemporary writers.
- The wall hangings are thought to be roughly contemporary with the tiled floors.
- I shall take four different examples from contemporary literature to illustrate my point.
- In the contemporary western world, rapidly changing styles cater to a desire for novelty and individualism.
- The contemporary hero is one who stands out against the crowd to fulfil a personal destiny.
- Almost all of the contemporary accounts of the event have been lost.
- She writes a lot of contemporary music for people like Whitney Houston.
- She used only strictly contemporary documents to research the book.
- The museum contains 6,000 contemporary and modern artworks.
- The exhibition features paintings by contemporary artists.
- Contemporary arbiters of taste dismissed his paintings as rubbish.
- He wrote his doctoral thesis on contemporary French literature.
- We weren't out to design a contemporary utopia.
- John is a contemporary of mine.
- This plasticity of truth is what underpins contemporary political correctness.
- Doubtless the joke was perfectly intelligible to the habitues of contemporary St.
- Like many contemporary religions, the Hebrew religion was dominated by secretive.
- A contemporary critic accused him promoting liberal goals…by illiberal means.
- She patronizes many contemporary British artists.
- His work is very contemporary.
- this series of paintings is contemporary with other works in an early style
- As I search for my new home, I am looking for a contemporary property that was built in the last five years.
- the tension and complexities of our contemporary society
- the event was recorded by a contemporary historian
- There was a huge range of very contemporary.
- Contemporary golf balls have 300 to 450 dimples.
- He was a contemporary of the historical Jesus and.
- Black and white are often used in contemporary home.
- Smith was so contemporary, a creature of the nineties.
- he was a contemporary of Darwin