distillery - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of distillery in Hindi


  • आसवनी
  • मद्यशाला
  • शराब बनाने का स्थान
  • डिस्टिलरी
  • मद्य-निर्माणशाला
  • शराब की भट्टी

distillery Definition


  • a place where liquor is manufactured.

distillery Example

  • The world's oldest whiskey distillery ( दुनिया की सबसे पुरानी व्हिस्की डिस्टिलरी )
  • Our studio is located in a wonderful, old Rum Distillery in Boston that houses loads of artisans and crafts people with whom he sometimes partners for different projects. ( हमारा स्टूडियो बोस्टन में एक अद्भुत, पुरानी रम डिस्टिलरी में स्थित है, जिसमें बहुत सारे कारीगर और शिल्पकार हैं, जिनके साथ वह कभी-कभी विभिन्न परियोजनाओं के लिए भागीदार होते हैं। )
  • Etienne (16th century) and the Benedictine liqueur distillery,' a modern building which also contains a museum, are of some interest. ( एटिने (16वीं शताब्दी) और बेनेडिक्टिन लिकर डिस्टिलरी, 'एक आधुनिक इमारत जिसमें एक संग्रहालय भी है, कुछ रुचि के हैं। )
  • Among the larger private establishments there existed in the same year seven breweries, one brandy distillery, two jam, two soap and candle factories, two building and furniture works, a factory for spinning thread, one iron and steel works, one paper and one ammonia and soda factory, and one mineral-oil refinery. ( बड़े निजी प्रतिष्ठानों में एक ही वर्ष में सात ब्रुअरीज, एक ब्रांडी डिस्टिलरी, दो जैम, दो साबुन और मोमबत्ती कारखाने, दो भवन और फर्नीचर के काम, कताई के लिए एक कारखाना, एक लोहा और इस्पात का काम, एक कागज और एक अमोनिया मौजूद था। और सोडा फैक्ट्री, और एक खनिज-तेल रिफाइनरी। )

More Sentence

  • On the day following his liberation, he saw, at Grasse, in front of an orange-flower distillery, some men engaged in unloading bales.
  • According to this policy, the abatement of the taxes upon the distillery ought not to be so great as to reduce, in any respect, the price of those liquors.
  • But we can do widout his water supply, sorr, having a private distillery uv our own.
  • A local distillery has contributed nobly to the city's reputation for progress.
  • Wherever there is danger there is defence, a poison means an antidote and the distillery and the rattlesnake go hand in hand.
  • This International Distillery was built and in full operation before the amendment of 1884 was enacted.
  • As for the truth of it, I might as well have said that it was like the sound of a rum distillery running a night shift on half time.
  • We can tell by the shut-down endorsements on brewery and distillery policies and by the increasing losses on saloons whose owners can make no further profit.
  • I used to pass a distillery warehouse on my way to school twice a day, and the smell of whisky-barrels was part of my early education; so I knew.
  • On this subject it is not necessary I should say much, as every individual employed about a distillery must have some knowledge of the value of life and property.
  • He lived in an old sombre house and from his windows he could look into the disused distillery or upwards along the shallow river on which Dublin is built.
  • When evening arrived, as he was forced to set out again on the following day, he presented himself to the owner of the distillery and requested to be paid.
  • Now, at the age of 36, he was the owner of a large sugar cane plantation, which included a sugar refinery and a small rum distillery, enough for him to live very comfortably.
  • Is the nightclub his distillery where he sorts the vintages and tucks into his personal cellar the most complex, interesting wines, the most potent and impressive whiskeys?
  • He was wearing only two items of clothing: an ordinary Hanes tube sock, which was identical to hundreds of thousands that were sold all across the country that year, and a T-shirt from the Distillery.
  • By increasing the duties upon malt, and reducing those upon the distillery, both the opportunities and the temptation to smuggle would be diminished, which might occasion a still further augmentation of revenue.
  • It has a pottery, a brewery, a distillery and some trade in agricultural produce.
  • The manufactures are not extensive, but the preparation of fish products, shipbuilding, weaving and distillery, with manufactures of paper, pottery, tobacco and ropes are carried on.
  • Besides the fisheries there is fish-curing and a distillery; and the quarrying of a pink-coloured variety of granite and of Portsoy marble is carried on.
  • Among the factories on the English model are the Elgin and Muir cotton mills at Cawnpore, the Cawnpore tanneries and leather factories, the Shahjahanpur rum distillery, and breweries at Mussoorie and Naini Tal.
  • The latter is known as the sadr or central distillery system.