disastrously - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of disastrously in Hindi

  • आपत्ति के साथ
  • दुर्भाग्य से

disastrously Definition


  • in a way that causes great damage.

disastrously Example

  • some of these investments have fared disastrously ( इनमें से कुछ निवेशों ने विनाशकारी प्रदर्शन किया है )
  • Thus swiftly and disastrously ended the southern expedition. ( इस प्रकार दक्षिणी अभियान तेजी से और विनाशकारी रूप से समाप्त हो गया। )
  • This was chiefly attributable to the ravages of the liver fluke which began in the disastrously wet season of 1879. ( यह मुख्य रूप से 1879 के विनाशकारी गीले मौसम में शुरू हुए लीवर फ्लूक के विनाश के कारण था। )
  • the campaign which ended so disastrously at Legnano. ( अभियान जो लेग्नानो में इतनी विनाशकारी रूप से समाप्त हुआ। )

More Sentence

  • Something was disastrously wrong.
  • The effort backfired disastrously.
  • A doctor confirmed that he had disastrously exacerbated his war injury.
  • Halfshaft remained unconvinced that his spell could have gone so disastrously wrong.
  • With little knowledge of local conditions, he would intervene disastrously at tactical level.
  • By the end of the decade it was clear that the good intentions behind prohibition had gone disastrously wrong.
  • In 1777 General John Burgoyne succeeded in taking Ticonderoga, but in the swampy forests southward from Lake Champlain he fought his way against heavy odds, and in the middle of October his campaign culminated disastrously in his surrender at Saratoga.
  • The war opened disastrously for the French, but by 1642, when Richelieu died, his armies - risen from 12,000 men in 1621 to 150,000 in 1638 - had conquered Roussillon from Spain; they held Catalonia, which had revolted from Philip IV.
  • He met his death with patient dignity, having, indeed, disastrously shared the enthusiasms of his age, but taken no share in its crimes.
  • Seeing her, Hunter suddenly remembered that the last time she was woken in the middle of the night had ended disastrously, and he felt a brief stab of guilt.
  • So how and why did he end his military and then political careers so disastrously? How could he have likely started a nuclear war had he been elected president?
  • Disastrously, this method of farming results in a quick depletion of nutrients in the soil, wherein, the farmers must leave the area in search for new virgin forest land.
  • If this was an example of an American Communist, it was not surprising the Party suffered disastrously at the hands of the capitalists and their political lackeys in Washington.
  • Nothing but compressed exhilaration now from Koskinen, his hypothesis soon to be conclusively proven—or disastrously disproven—after years of struggle and frustration and professional disdain.
  • In 1213 he was appointed seneschal of Poitou, with a view to the invasion of France which ended disastrously for John in the next year.
  • Few men, indeed, have partaken as freely of the inspiration of genius as Julius Caesar; few have suffered more disastrously from its illusions.
  • On the other hand, Haakon IV., king of Norway, at once to restrain the independence of his jarls and to keep in check the ambition of the Scottish kings, set sail in 1263 on a great expedition, which, however, ended disastrously at Largs.
  • Emily tried that before, disastrously, with her first husband.
  • The session finished as it started for New Zealand _ disastrously.
  • Nepal beat Malaysia by 25 runs after beginning the day disastrously.
  • The Australians began their chase of the target of 183 disastrously.
  • The Calchaqu韊s took up arms, but they were disastrously defeated.
  • Such coverage influenced British and American foreign policies, sometimes disastrously.
  • Then things begin to go disastrously wrong-slowly and steadily.
  • Oborne dismisses Allen's reasoning as " disastrously muddled ",
  • In the case of Italy, where the disease showed itself later but even more disastrously, affecting a much more extended industry, the loss in io years de Quatrefages stated at two milliards.
  • the mission went disastrously wrong
  • the economy has been disastrously mismanaged