erratic - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of erratic in Hindi
- अनियमित
- अस्थिर
- अनियत
- अनिश्चित
- शुद्धिपत्र के
erratic Definition
- not even or regular in pattern or movement; unpredictable.
- a rock or boulder that differs from the surrounding rock and is believed to have been brought from a distance by glacial action.
erratic Example
- her breathing was erratic ( उसकी सांस अनियमित थी )
- Erratic blocks are of frequent occurrence in south Jutland. ( दक्षिण जटलैंड में अनियमित ब्लॉक अक्सर होते हैं। )
- His erratic moods had grown more volatile the past couple of days, and she knew better than to draw his attention. ( पिछले कुछ दिनों में उसका अस्थिर मिजाज और अधिक अस्थिर हो गया था, और वह उसका ध्यान आकर्षित करने से बेहतर जानती थी। )
- When the police officer saw the man driving in an erratic manner, he pulled him over to question him. ( जब पुलिस अधिकारी ने उस व्यक्ति को अनियमित तरीके से गाड़ी चलाते देखा तो उसने उससे पूछताछ करने के लिए उसे खींच लिया। )
More Sentence
- The medicine causes the normally predictable Jacob to behave in an erratic way.
- Over the past few weeks, the weather has been erratic making it quite difficult for us to plan outdoor events.
- The seemingly erratic behaviour of the independent variables as we move from one regression equation to another is due to the relative strong correlations among the independent variables.
- Because Jake started displaying erratic behavior, he was assumed to be on drugs.
- The bird watcher knew the bird was wounded because of its erratic flight pattern.
- He listened to her erratic breathing, beyond satisfied at the effect he had on her.
- He was an able but erratic administrator and soldier, and a brilliant lawyer.
- Its channel is generally erratic and constantly shifting;.