develop - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of develop in Hindi

  • विकसित करना
  • पैदा करना
  • आगे बढ़ाना
  • लगना
  • बनाना
  • सुधारना
  • सुधार करना
  • उत्तमता तक पहुंचाना
  • शुरू होना
  • आरंभ हो जाना
  • विकसाना
  • उभारना

develop Definition


  • grow or cause to grow and become more mature, advanced, or elaborate.4
  • start to exist, experience, or possess.
  • treat (a photographic film) with chemicals to make a visible image.
  • bring (a piece) into play from its initial position on a player's back rank.

develop Example

  • A head injury that caused him to develop a rare form of memory loss ( एक सिर की चोट जिसके कारण उसे स्मृति हानि का एक दुर्लभ रूप विकसित हो गया )
  • He would pick now to develop a sense of humor. ( वह हास्य की भावना विकसित करने के लिए अब चुनेंगे। )
  • The calf could be injured, and she might develop a fear of those caring for her. ( बछड़ा घायल हो सकता है, और उसे अपनी देखभाल करने वालों का डर हो सकता है। )
  • The young woman tried to develop a good habit of eating healthy by only buying organic fruits and vegetables from her grocery store. ( युवती ने अपनी किराने की दुकान से केवल जैविक फल और सब्जियां खरीदकर स्वस्थ खाने की अच्छी आदत विकसित करने की कोशिश की। )
  • A good rapport started to develop between a strict professor and his students when his pupils realized his efforts toward their education.  ( एक सख्त प्रोफेसर और उनके छात्रों के बीच एक अच्छा तालमेल विकसित होना शुरू हुआ जब उनके विद्यार्थियों को उनकी शिक्षा के प्रति उनके प्रयासों का एहसास हुआ। )

More Sentence

  • When the scientist began to develop a treatment for the deadly disease, the public knew it would only be a few years before a cure would exist.  
  • After growing and cooking with cabbage from my garden, I began to develop a taste for the green vegetable.  
  • You'll have to develop some skill in reading people if you want to make this a business.
  • Will the Toggenburg kid develop markings like its mother when it matures?
  • I know that she has remarkable powers, and I believe that I shall be able to develop and mould them.
  • develop, orderly government to be carried on, and the general condition of the people to be less hopeless and miserable.
  • Thus if the maximum horse-power which a locomotive can develop is woo, the tractive resistance R, at 60 m.
  • Only the vicissitudes of life can show us its vanity and develop our innate love of death or of rebirth to a new life.
  • Entrepreneurs develop their skills through trial and error
  • The spikes develop about 12 hours after birth, she said.
  • Art makes them stick with projects and helps them develop discipline.
  • Pelton had interesting choreographic ideas and knew how to develop them.
  • Often counseling can help people see potential problems before they develop.
  • The glazing technique is simple, but some complications can develop.
  • CARDENAS : We must develop investment programs in the indigenous regions.
  • Pollination determines how many kernels develop on each ear of corn.
  • In fact, I've started to develop a reputation.
  • Teams can no longer simply wait for young talent to develop.
  • plans to develop the area
  • He preferred to develop his bishop on e7